chapter 22... If Only They Knew

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We were on our way back home, my friends and mom won't stop bombarding me with questions about what happened between me and Debby gold.

"Come on, you have to tell us what happened, what did you ask her? Did she try to attack you?" Dinela asked in a whiny voice.

"Why are you keeping it from us? Tell us what you asked her! What did she say to you? If you won't tell your friends you'll at least tell your mom." Mom said and I just smiled at her.
Mavery kept to herself, something tells me she already knows that happened between Debby Gold and I, what she told me.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you," I said in defeat, "you ladies are a pain." I moaned.

"That's why you love us right?!" Alero said.


"What do we have here? Tsk tsk tsk Axymah." Debby gold said.

"Hi Debby gold or should I say a clone of her." I said monotonously.

"Oh so you know, you've found out! Who told you because there is no way you could have found out yourself, did that wheel chaired bitch tell you?" She asked but I didn't want to accidentally reveal anything to her so instead of answering her I asked her my own question.

"What do you know about the blue skull? Tell me everything, don't leave any detail out." I commanded.

"Look whose got some nerves, and what makes you think I'll tell you anything?" She retorted.

"If you cooperation with me, I'll just give feedback to the officers that you have changed and you have realised your mistake that they should uplift your life imprisonment sentence to probably thirty years, depending on how much you cooperate because aside from that I don't see you leaving here any time soon, after all Dario abandoned you here and is living a free life." I taunted.

"Okay, I'll tell you but you have to keep your word."

"I will."

"Fine, I'll tell you, The blue skull is an ancient artifact, its a skull that emits an everlasting blue flame, the skull can be maneuvers to do other things but the main thing it does is clone people.

Long long ago, there was a couple who never had a child, when they were finally blessed with a child, the child later had a serious disease that will kill her in less than six months, she was eight years old then, there was nothing the healers could do so they went to a town named Dashmuk and met a man, he keeps and collects magical objects. He told them that there is nothing they can do for their child but so they won't remain childless they should clone their child, he used the blue skull on the little girl and an identical copy of her was made.
      What they didn't know was that the clone will be the opposite of the original person, the clone's character, mind set and everything will be the worst opposite of the original person. After her clone was made, the sweet little original girl died and her clone remained, strong and healthy, nothing can ever destroy it, but the sweet personality they were expecting the clone to have just like their original late baby, she didn't have it, she was rude, proud, she even slapped her mom at one point, she was uncaring, cruel, shroud, cold hearted, mean.... Her parents were soon fed up, three years later, tired of her trouble and tantrums they disowned her, they sent her to live with the man, they severed all ties with her.

Before then he had told them that there is a price for helping them and the price is that the little girl will be his slave till eternity, they agreed and bonded her soul to his, if she ever disobeys or does not do what he wants she will feel immense and excruciating pain, her inside will turn out, twist and turn, the pain will last hours and the man made it that who ever clones a person, their soul will be bounded forever with the help of a really powerful witch.

The little girl was the man's slave till she turned eighteen she didn't understand the consequences of not listening to the man so she disobeyed him, she told him she wanted to be free and not do his biddings any more she wanted to live her life freely, the moment she disobeyed him, she was attacked by a heart wrenching pain, cried out and yelled, blood forcefully came out of her skin, her gut twisted, her bones broke.

"Do you still want to live your life freely, if you apologize and do as I ask the pain will go away." The man told the girl but she didn't listen, she died a tragic death, her bones folded, her skin tore, her guts spilled from inside her, her parents didn't mourn her, they couldn't even care less, after all she is not their original daughter." Debby gold narrated, I took a few seconds to let what she said sink in before I said anything.

"You mentioned healer and witches, you didn't mention doctors, why...." I asked getting lost.

"Because they were in a different world than we are, the blue skull was found in a magical world.... A magical and mystical world called the land of Myths." She explained.

"So you're saying Mr Dario went to the land of Myths to get the Blue skull."

"No, he once went to the land of Myths to see if it was real when he found out about it, on his was back to this world he was attacked by a Bahlome and the Bahlome clawed him, it gave him three large claw marks under his left breast which later became scars, those marks are poisonous even after they have healed, they won't kill immediately, you could live for years with them, the marks will get deeper and deeper and it will hurt like shit, the marks will be deeper until it reaches your ribs, its like a sword or sharp knife, it will just keep cutting you till you're dead.
     When he found out he was dying it was almost too late for him, he met a witch who had the blue skull with her, she stole it and ran to this world, she gave him the skull and told him how to clone himself, after which they caught up to her and they killed her for bringing something that belongs to the Magical world to the real world, Dario was on his death bed when he cloned himself.

So the Dario you knew is not the one that you know now, he is the direct opposite of the original late Dario, and the original late Dario would never touch, molest or abuse you, what the original one can't do, the clone will do and enjoy it, the original Dario loved and cared for you, wants you to live long and happy, that's why his clones hates you and wants you dead, I'm guessing this since the fake Dario has all these, so don't think Dario hates you, he is just a clone of him, the real Dario is dead." She explained.

"Oh... So your soul is bounded to Dario's right?"

"Yeah, I'm his slave." She blatantly said.

End of flashback

"That's what I asked her and that's what she said." I told them.

"Is that all you asked? Because you were there for a while?" Dinela asked.

"What are you saying Dinela, shut up," Alero said, "its good to know that its not Dario but his clone that did all those to you."

"So there is another world aside from the one we are living in, that's so cool." Dinela said.
Mom stayed quiet all the while but gave me that look that says 'you're going to tell me the complete story when we get home. "

I wished I never went to Debby gold in the first place but if I hadn't I won't have found out the crucial things I did today, I didn't even know I was crying till Alero told me.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said as I wiped off stray tears from my face.

If only they knew.

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