chapter 25... Horrible Stench

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I was in a foreign place, I looked around and saw I was in a long hallway, it was dark and cold, I was scared and I had goosebumps all over, the place reeked of fear and iron, I just stared into the darkness, the only source of light is a really small window which has two iron bars, the window is really high up and I'm sure the light coming into the hallway is from the moon.

I kept looking around it was eerily quiet, I could hear the sound of water droplets from the roof, I took a step from where I was, I was confused because the last I remember Is that I was in my room, now I'm here, my brain is not giving me any information, I don't know what to do so I just kept moving, I heard footsteps behind me, the hairs on my neck stood, I sharply turned around expecting to see someone behind me but I saw nothing, I turned back around and kept walking slowly, I saw shadowy figures on the wall, I couldn't make out what it was because it was so dark, at this point I don't even know if I want to find out what they are.

I just kept walking and to my right I saw a cage, it was dark, I couldn't see what was in it, all I knew was, from eerily quiet the hallway went to loud, screechy, echoey.
I heard wailing and screeches coming from all directions, it was loud. My heart was racing, adrenaline pumped through my veins, blood rushed to my ears, the sound was disturbing, it irritated my ears, it didn't stop.

I grabbed my head and fell to my knees, my head was hurting and my skin was burning like I was surrounded by fire but there was no fire, it was cold in the hallway but I was burning, the sound was in my brain, I felt like cutting my ears from my head, I was sweating profusely, before I knew it, I also started screaming, I screamed so loud my lungs were burning, my throat hurt, I couldn't keep on screaming do I stopped but the wailing and loud screeches didn't, instead they became louder. From all the wailing and screeches and screams I saw shadowy figures from the corner of my eyes and I heard footsteps from behind me.

I stood up slowly, my hand still on my ears, tears rolled freely down my cheeks, mucous dripped down my nose, I stood up and I was naked, the screams and wailing were louder than ever, I was standing naked, I don't even know where I am anymore, slowly I turned around to see the source of the footsteps, all I saw was a huge hairy thing, large, long razor sharp teeth that I'm sure could chew through anything, large black paws, seven inches long and sharp nails that could cut through the thickest metals and lastly bloody red eyes with golden specks staring down at me and its drool fell on my clothes, in less than ten seconds I felt like my head was forced under water, letting me drown, I felt a needle prick me.

Immediately I jolted awake, I looked around, I was still in my room, what happened? What sort of a dream is that, if only you know how I felt when the needle pricked me, multiply the feeling of being pricked by a needle a hundred folds and toss in a five hundred voltage electricity, mix it up the outcome was how I felt when the needle pricked me.

Thank God it was just a dream but why do I feel like I was electrocuted, my whole bed was drenched, my dress was wet and sticky, like a dog's drool was poured on me, my door flew open as I was trying to comprehend what just happened, the dream I just had. I looked at who was at my door and I saw dad and mom.

"Honey, are you okay? We heard you screaming from three blocks away, and the neighbours couldn't even care to check on you, how shameful, anyways are you alright? Why did you scream?" Dad asked looking at me like I had a bed nest on my head and mom looked like she was trying to catch her breathe.

"I didn't scream, why would I scream?" I asked confused.
Mom looked at me after catching her breathe and she looked shocked.

"My baby what happened to you? And your bed? Why do you smell so bad?" Mom bombarded me with questions.

"What are you talking about?" I was really confused and I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Your hair is smoking, smoke is coming out of your hair!! Did you touch electricity, were you electrocuted? Was that why you screamed?" Mom asked.

"What are you talking about? I just took a nap and I just woke up."

"You mean you woke up like this?" Mom asked astonished.

"No that's not possible, how can you sleep without anything happening to you and then wake up and have your hair burnt and smoking, your bed is drenched, you smell bad and...." He paused and touched my head to feel my temperature "and you're burning up." He said.

"This is how I woke up I swear.... Did you say my hair is burnt?" I asked with wide eyes, I rushed to my dressing mirror and took a good long look at my self, I look like I ran a five thousand metre race three times, survived a rock slide, was electrocuted and had a spit contest with a drooling wet wolf, and had a vacation in a mountain of dump, o my goodness, I smell like shit, literarily, even shit can't smell as bad as this, oh God help my soul.

"How did this happen?" I turned around and asked them.

"How would we know? We should be asking you that." Dad said and mom made faces like she was about to gag, she couldn't hold it in she ran out of my room to go puke in the bathroom, I'm sure she didn't make it far at all because she is standing right outside my door and puking everywhere, dad rushed to her pulling her hair back and rubbing her back.

"Do I smell that bad?" I asked.

"You smell worst than awful and not only you, your room and your bed, ugh, goodness, can't you smell anything?" He asked as he kept rubbing mom's back.

Sweat was literarily dripping down my dress, face, hair, and also drool, I smell really bad, worst than bad, words can't even describe my current state.

"I don't know how this happened I swear I just woke up." I said and felt a pain on my right finger, it looked like a needle pricked me, wait..... Did I really have a dream? or did all what I dreamt if really happen to me?
No that can't be possible, no way, its just a dream.

"Go clean up and freshen, up, change the sheets, spray some air freshener, open the cottons and windows, take a bathe with soap and hot water ten times, and throw that dress away and the sheets too, when you're done join your mom and I in the living room." Dad said after mom finished puking outside my door, he carried her probably to the bathroom to go wash up.

How come I don't smell an-..... Before I finished my sentence, an awful stench hit my poor nose, o my God, the whole room smell so bad, I think my nose is about to die, I went to my bed to remove the sheets but couldn't even get two feet close to it, it smells so bad, even I was about to gag, I rushed to the toilet quickly.

Oh my, what's going on here😭😭😭😰😰😰 I can only imagine the horrible stench, I really pity Axymah's nose right now😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😬😬😬😬😬😬
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