Chapter 33.... Your Responsibility

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The girl ran freely to her mom's dead body, The giant guy was down on the ground, what happened? But Dario didn't seem to notice, his attention was on me.

"It's your turn, but I don't want to give you the honor of having a quick and easy death, I want you to suffer, slowly die inside, I want your death to be painful and slow, agonizing, I want you to plead for mercy until your last breathe, you're nothing but a waste of space, you're disgusting, if it were up to me, I'll put you in the deepest, hottest part of hell for you to burn." He put down the gun.

"Why do you hate me so much? I didn't kill my mom, that woman didn't even die, she isn't dead!!!!! She is alive."

"I know!"

"So why do you hate me so much? You used to care for me a lot." Tears flowed freely down my face, my vision blurred.

"Key word 'used' besides that wasn't me, it was the original Dario, the weak dead one, he used to care for you, but I, I hate you, what you know is a lie, Debby gold us my slave, she will say only what I want her to say and do only what I want her to do."

"What!!!! So you know—"

"You visited her in jail and asked questions," He interrupted me "sixty percent of what she told you were lies, only I can tell you the truth," he walked towards me, the gap between us diminishing, fear gripped me hard, all the horrible memories of all that he did to me came flooding back, I was so scared, I kept shivering on a spot unable to move a muscle.

"I can see you are used to your scars, you're even proud of them." He kept approaching me "you'll come with me right now!!!" He yelled as he grabbed my wrist, his grip on it was hard and pulled me so I'll go with him.

"No!!! Let go off me, I won't go anywhere with you!!!! Let me go!!!" I fought back as he kept pulling me.

"Shut up bitch!!! Come with me quietly."

"No she will not!!!" Canvas yanked me out of his death grip and pushed him away.

"Who are you?!!!!" He stumbled back.

"You don't want to know." A purple fog filled the place, I felt someone dragging me, I kept yelling and shouting, my arms and legs going everywhere from the fear that it's Dario dragging me.

"No!!!! Let me go!!!! Someone help!!!!" I kept fighting back even after I felt my feet touch the ground, the grip on me was tight, as soon as it loosened I fled, I ran like I've never ran before, I just kept running.

"Why is she running?" I heard someone ask.

"Mad people are everywhere." Someone else chuckled, that made me stop in my tracks, I looked around, I was no longer at the back of the hotel, I'm in the hotel, I turn around, my eye lids dilated as I took in my surrounding.

I was now in the hotel, light illuminated everywhere, there are people around me staring at me like I'm insane, if they were in my shoes they would do the sane if not even worst. I tried to steady my breathing and regain composure, I'll go back to my room now, wait!!!!

How did I get here? Where is Dario? The woman.... What happened? Who brought me here?....... Canvas? I ran back to the lobby, don't ask me why.
I got there and I looked around looking for no one in particular.

"Are you finally back in your senses?" I turned to the sound of the voice.

"Canvas?!!!" I ran to him, he was sitting on one of the couches in the lobby, him and the little girl.

"Why are you just staring? Or you are still not back in your senses."

"What happened back there?" I'm so confused, I don't know why, I'm supposed to understand this but for some reason I don't.

"Don't you remember? Let's go to our room." He got up with the little girl beside him, they walked hand in hand, the little girl looked beyond frightened, her pupil were dilated, she was shaking profusely, her teeth were clattering, she is being so strong, her mom was killed right before her eyes...... I snapped out of my thoughts as they started to fade away from my view and went after them.

"Wait up!"

"Try to keep up." He is such a jerk. I kept walking behind them, I had to even jog a bit, I finally caught up with them and walked by their side, we all walked to my room, he opened the door, the little girl and I entered first, he entered after us and shut the door behind him.

"So now will you tell me what happened?" I'm being quite impatient nowadays.

"I threw a smoke bomb on the floor, it made a purple smoke, I grabbed you and brought you here, you were so scared you kept running after we got here, I must say, you weigh quite a lot, you didn't make bringing you back here easy at all."

"Sorry about that, I was scared, I thought it was that man that brought me here."

"Why are you so scared of him? What importance is he in your life?" No one can know about my past, I do not want to reopen my wounds, I won't speak about Dario to anyone.

"He holds no importance in my life, I saw him kill a woman right in front of me, who wouldn't be scared?"

"I guess you're right." I turned to the innocent little girl, she is still in her current state.

"Hey." She didn't respond to me "are you alright?" She still didn't answer me, maybe it's because I'm asking a very stupid question, she just saw her mom shot right before her eyes and I'm asking if she's alright.

"We need to take her to a hospital."

"You're right, she's in shock, she is yet to even react to what happened maybe that's w—" he didn't get to finish his sentence before we heard a high pitched scream, the scream went on for about two minutes, my placed both of my hand on my ears so did Canvas.

The scream finally stopped, it came from the little girl, she was shaking profusely, her breathe was ragged, her chest was heaving heavily and in a blink of an eye, she collapsed.

"Oh my word!" We heard a knock on the door, I'm sure everyone outside our room heard the scream, who wouldn't have heard it, my ear is still ringing from the scream. I looked at Canvas.

"This is why I hate helping people."

"What are you saying?!", I whispers " we need to do something about her.

"Not me you, she is your problem, I might have not really heard all what transpired out there but what I know I heard was 'Take care of my daughter, its the least you could do since I'm dying because of y—' so I know that this girl is your responsibility."
He is right, she is my responsibility, what do I do? The knock on the door was heard again and this time louder.

"Who.... Who is it?"

"Room service." Why are they here? I don't think it's room service, I'm sure its security, someone must have hard the little girl's scream and call for them, if they come in and see the girl unconscious, they will think we did something to her, we'll be punished for a crime we didn't commit.

"We didn't send for you."

"Yes but We'd like to show you our new addition to the menu and other things, just let us in."

"Okay, hold on." Canvas had a worried look on his face, what to do now?

"I have an idea, I'll hide with the girl in the air vent."

"We have little to know time, how will you both hide there in time?"

"When you open the door go out of the room to meet them, don't let them enter the room, that will buy us a little time."

"Okay, but what if they push me inside or force their way in? What then?"

"Think positively and go open the door, their knocking louder every second, you wasting time will only give them the chance to suspect something."
I'm really worried, I went to the door and opened it, I didn't even give them any chance.....

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