11- talk

727 22 15

You entered the classroom, but barely anyone was there. Only Dream, Kuroo, and a couple of other students as well. 'What's going on? Class should start in a bit. Why isn't everyone here?' Dream waved over at you. You waved back and walked towards her.

"Hey why is there barely any students here? Is something going on?"
You asked.

"Oh this actually kinda happens a bit often. The others are probably flirting, ugh."
Dream responded.

You shook your head a bit and sat down. 'This school is SSOO different than the ones in America." Then some more kids came into the room. This time it was only four.

A couple minutes flew by and the teacher came in the room. She looked around a bit.

"Why is there only a third of the class here?"

No one answered her question. 

"Huh, then I guess we'll get started."

It's now only 30 minutes until science class is over and you go to your next period. And of course no sign of the other kids. Until one kid showed up running into the classroom panting.

"Teacher there's been a fight!"
Everyone except you gasped.

"Dude there's a fight going on!"
Dream said to you!

"No way?!"

She loudly whispered to you.

The teacher got up and so did everyone else and you. This got you pretty excited. You've only seen a couple school fights back home but it as mainly just girls pulling wigs back and fourth.

Y'all finally made it to we're the fight had been going on. 'Bruh what is this'. You almost laughed at the two girls 'fighting' but you held it in. They literally were holding each others arms trying to push each other back with a cringe face. You had to look away from this monstrosity of a fight.

"Hey y/n, does this happen a lot at your old school? Ya know since American schools are kind know for having a bit of school shootings."
Kuroo asked.

Dream heard what he said and laughed a bit.

"Hey what's so funny dream?"
You asked out of curiosity.

"Oh nothing it's just that Kuroo asked if stuff like this happens a lot because of American school shootings."

You turned to Kuroo.
"Well not really, people say they want to fight you but then it just doesn't happen. Also if anything the fights that did happen at my school were a bit lame."

*Dream translates🤪*

"Ah" Kuroo nodded looking back at the girls who were now being pulled apart by your teacher and a student.

Y'all were told by the text to wait inside the classroom by the teacher until this entire situation was over. Some kids in the back were whispering a bit loudly. You looked back towards them and they quickly shut there mouths. 'what the heck?'

The teacher walked in a bit out of breath.

"Since that took up so much time I'll let you guys leave early, oh and no homework."
The class silently cheered. dream turns to you in amazement.
"Y/n, we get to leave early and we got no homework!! Well you technically don't even have homework to begin with but yea! So...should go to the store and get a snack?"

"Hah yea sure."

Both of you are now at the convenience store. 'Wow it looks much better than the stores I've been to in America.'

"Oo y/n look at this."
Dream has a little gummy candy in her hand.

"This is my favorite candy and I want you to try it! I think you'll like it."

"Oh okay then."
Y'all go up to the cashier and pay.
"I cant wait for you to try this you're gonna like it!"
All you did is giggle at her response.

You found a table to enjoy your snack with dream. She hands you the candy. You open it and it is a small flower gummy that smells delicious.
*i have no idea what I'm talking about, I don't know if that's an actually Japanese candy but just go with it*

You take a bite......

"WOW that's so good!"

"Right, I'm so glad you like it!"
Dream replied.

Dream pulls out her phone.
"Hey it almost time for our next class to start, we should go."

"Oh alright then."


"Hey y/n do you wanna go to the boys gym to see them practice?"

"Oh uh, sure! I mean I got nothing planned since we're already out of school for the day."

"Alright! Let's go!"
Dream grabs your arm and now y'all are off to the boys gym!

"OK OK slow down dude it's not that big of a deal that we're going to the gym!"
You yell at Dream.
'Jeez it's like she's trying to rip my arm off, plus why are we here. It's not like someone's waiting for us'

"Ok we're here. By the way, try not to get hit in the face with a volleyball. That happened to me once and I felt like I died haha."
Dream laughs it off like nothing.

"Uhm- you know what never mind what I was gonna say about that. Also why are we here? Like it's not a super special place or anything, just a volleyball court with boys."

You wanted to know if something was going on. Your curiosity was at its limit at this point. Did dream plan something? You don't know. Now we just sit for her response.........

"Oh that's easy! I just want to see the guys practice. Nothing special. Plus I think you might like it as well."
Dream says with such confidence and a smile.

"A-what? That's it? You're being honest, right?"

"Uh yea why? You okay? It seems like you don't wanna be here."

"Oh no I was just wondering, anyways let go in yea."

Ok I had no right to take that long of a break for y'all. I'm not gonna make an excuse for myself bc like lol no. I was just lazy and didn't have any ideas for this story. Anyways hope y'all liked this chapter. Btw don't expect long chapters bc I don't like writing so much. Anyways y'all until next chapter cya~✌🏻❤️✨

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