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     You woke up. The flight finally ended. You never opened your eyes more wider than before until now.

     You got up and grabbed your bunny's carrier. You started going out of the plane. Finally you had fresh air to breath. You pulled out some food for your bunny so that she won't be hungry for a while. You got to the airport to get your luggage. You got your luggage and tried to get a taxi. A couple passed by but you finally got one. The driver said something in Japanese. You got out your phone and went to the translator app. You tapped the button and said:

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

Then the translator app translated it into Japanese. You pressed the button for Japanese and the man spoke. It translated to:

'Where are you headed?'

You pressed the button and said:
"Oh I'm headed to xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx"      *thats the address*

Then the man nodded and started to drive. It didn't take long to get to your new apartment. As you were in the car you admired the outside world. Everything looked so pretty. Well it was Tokyo after all. Finally the car came to a stop. You gave the man the money and got out of the taxi. You got all of your luggage from the trunk, including your bunny. You took everything out one by one. Then a young man came to help you. He said something in Japanese. You pulled out your phone and went to the translator app.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

'I can help you with your bags if you need any help.'

"Oh uhm sure, thanks."

'No problem, also are you new here to this place?'

"Oh yea. I'm actually from California. I'm moving here."

'Really! For how long?'

"Maybe a couple of years I'm not sure yet."

'Wow that's cool.'

Now all of your bags were out of the car. You signaled the young man to follow you. He did as you motioned. You both went up the stairs and made it to your apartment room.

"Thank for helping me with my bags"

'No problem.'

And just liked that he waved by and left. 'What a kind man' you thought as you opened your door. You pushed the door open and your room looked so good! It wasn't too big nor small. It was super cute and clean. You moved all your bags into your apartment and closed the door.

"Welp I'm gonna have fun with this."

You open all your bags and start moving and putting away things. After what felt like a while of moving things you yawned. The jet lag was getting to you. You set a timer on your phone for 2 hours. You layed on the couch and fell asleep.

*i don't know how apartments are/look like especially in Japan so bare with me*


  You woke up to your alarm going off. You got up off the floor and went to use the restroom. Everything was so clean and cute in Japan. You lived for it all. You washed your hands and brushed your teeth. You still had a lot of unpacking to do. You went back to the living room and started unpacking again.


You had been unpacking for hours. Everything looked nice. Things were where you wanted them to be. You had a week until your new school started.

  It was now time for lunch for your bunny. Time zones are different. It was the evening in japan but, it was the morning in Cali. You were really tired.
'I need to keep unpacking, then I will rest.'
You fed your bunny and she ate all of the lettuce in a matter of a few minutes.

"Man you must be really hungry"


You have finally gotten use to living in Tokyo. Things were really weird and different at first but, you made it through. You really liked living here. You would ride your skateboard at night because of how colorful it was. You made food for yourself which was easy enough because you already cooked a lot at home anyways. You drank a lot more water than you did at home. Like ALL you had was water.

  Your new school starts tomorrow. You were really excited. It was a new school with new people. You liked making friends but you were kinda bad at it. You were really quiet for a lively Mexican.

"EE can you believe it bunbuns, I get to go to a new school!"

You had never been to a new school before. You only went to the schools that you were familiar with, like the ones your sisters went to. Your school was called Nekoma. You got a letter yesterday saying it was your new school and they sent you the uniform. It was cute but the skirt was a little short but you didn't mind. It showed off your curves which you weren't really use too. You liked wearing baggy shirts and sweaters with leggings. School started at 8am so you DEFINITELY had enough time to get ready. Especially with your really long hair. 

It was 11pm and you couldn't go to sleep because of how excited you were. This happened a lot. Whether it was when you lived in Cali or not. You decided to listen to as me since it calmed you down. You already had your alarm set on which was good. You couldn't be late on your first day! You started getting sleepy. Then without any hesitation, you were now sound  asleep. 

I'm sorry if you didn't like the time skip to a week later. I didn't want to write a whole week in Japan. I haven't been posting a lot because I was very busy! Anyways hope y'all like this. Just wait til next chapter lmao. This is already getting good

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