9-Keeping in touch

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You got ready for school, fed your bunny, and now you were heading out they door. You were running a bit late. It is 7:46 and it takes you 10 minutes to get to school. You were ZOOMING on your skateboard. You had only been late once and that was in elementary school.


You were speed walking to class. No one was in the hallway so you could basically run and no one would tell you anything. You stopped speed walking and started walking normally since you just had to make a right turn and you would get to class. When you made a right turn you saw the teacher there.

You yelled a little. She looked back at you.

"Y/n just in time for class."

She opened the door for you and you walked in like nothing happened. You sat down at your desk. Dream looked at you and whispered.

"What took you so long to get here?!"

"Sorry I woke up a little late."
You said smiling nervously.

"Just be glad you got here on time."

"Yea thats true."
You whispered to yourself.

Class is now starting. After the teacher explains what you all are doing you can see dream get excited. 'I wonder what we're doing' You thought questioning. The teacher picked up a paper and said students names. This made you a little nervous.

"Dream, Y/n, Kuroo."
The teacher pointed at the three of you. You had no idea what was going on. Dream turns to you with a smile.

"Alright so we are doing research about what we learned yesterday, also this is a group project. We have all week to do this. If you want we can all do more research after school together."
Dream said excitedly.

"Oh really! Well yea sure why not."
You said nervously. You hadn't really talked with Kuroo that much so it was gonna be kinda awkward with the both of you.

The rest of class you all talked about how to do this project and where after school you were gonna meet up. You all agreed to go to your place for the project.


You and Dream were walking out of the school gates. You guys were gonna wait for Kuroo to get out of class to walk with you guys to your place. A few minutes later you see him walking besides a boy who has dyed hair. He's playing with a Nintendo and he doesn't look like he's really paying attention to what kuroo is saying to him. 'Oh hey that's the boy I saw yesterday'.

Kuroo looks forward to see you both standing there waiting for him. He waves at both of you. You both wave back. He turns to the boy with dyed hair and waves bye. He walks closer to you both and says something to dream.

"He says we should go now."

"Oh yea just follow me you two."

You grab your skateboard out of your bag.

"Uhm so where is your place exactly?"
Dream says.

"It's only 10 minutes away and it's not too far from here either. Just follow me."

"Oh ok."

She then tells Kuroo that this walk to your apartment isn't too far. You start to skateboard a little bit then you hear Kuroo say something.

"Kuroo says to be careful."
Dream blurted out.

"Tell him to not worry because I've been skateboarding for years now."
You yell back.

"Oh ok"

You guys were now at the front of your apartment. You grabbed your keys and opened the door. You told them they had to come into the door quickly or else your pet might escape. You were all now inside.

"Alright well this is it. This is where I live."
You say not expecting much of an answer from them.

"Hey it's pretty nice in he-"
That's when Dream got cut off by a bunny running around her feet.

Dream started raising her voice.

"No no sshhhhh. You have to lower your voice around here. Bunnies get scared easily."
You had to reassure her.

"Oh really I didn't know that."

That's when (bunnies name) started sniffing and trying to climb up Kuroo. He had no idea what to do. One thing for sure was that he was blushing a lot. 

You pick up the bunny and move her a little away from him so that she doesn't make a hole in his clothes.

"Sorry she gets a little too excited when it comes to meeting new people."
You say rubbing the back of you neck.

"Oh no don't worry, she's too cute anyways haha."
Dream says as a reassurance.

"Well anyways let's get some research done."
Dream claps her hands.

IM BACK! Sorry I had to cut this chapter short, I didn't want to keep you guys waiting haha. The next chapter will be better than this that's for sure. Alright I hope y'all enjoyed this one. Cya~✌🏻❤️✨

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