1-Living on your own

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Your life completely changed over the summer. Your parents died and you had to move to Japan. You didn't really expect their death to come so soon. Yes, they where old but not that old. They died because of a car accident. Before they died you were abused by them. Your entire life was always getting hit by your mom. As you got older they started to hit you less, but when they did hit you it was not discipline it was a beating. Even for the most dumbest things. When you were 11 you called the cops on your mom. They didn't do anything because your mom changed the story. She already had something mentally wrong with her so when she hit you it was like she was a cop beating up a criminal. You hated them for so long. When they died it was like a miracle happened. Or at least that's what you tried to convince yourself to think. Even though you hated them you still had a few tears running down your cheeks. You tried to stop crying but you couldn't help it. You hid your real emotions from your friends in California. That was your weird talent. That was something you were best at. You were the loud, funny, and cool friend that secretly was hurting the most. You did this because you didn't want anyone to worry about you. While you were packing your stuff to go to your apartment in Japan you couldn't help but just think about all the times you were beaten. You took a deep breath and let it all out. That's when you got a text from your best friend. You picked up your phone.

"Oh it's just Selena"

Selena: hey girl how's the packing going?

                                                                                                                   Oh it's going lol :Y/n

Selena: I'm gonna miss you! Make sure to visit me gurl!

                                              I'll miss ya too! Don't worry I will SO visit again. I mean since
                                              I'm the one who has both my parents money I'm basically rich!
                                              Heck maybe we can have a girls night when I come! :Y/n

Selena: so hows the bunny? 

                                                                             Oh she's good she's just sleeping lol : Y/n

Selena: well see ya! Have fun packing!

                                                                                                                                 Yea cya! :Y/n


          You put the phone down. 'I probably need to take a break and treat myself'
You checked the time. ' huh it's already 2:38' you think as you make your way to your room to get some clothes to take a shower. After you took a shower you put on a face mask and waited. After 15 minutes you take off the mask and put some comfy clothes on besides a towel. You brushed your hair and made your way to the fridge to get some lettuce for you bunny. You started looking around the house to find her. She was a free roamed bunny after your parents died. Good thing she was potty trained. You finally found her flopping on the floor in a corner.
"Ahh there you are"
You petted (bunny's name) as she got up from her nap. Once she saw the food she ran to her pet bowl. You put the lettuce in the bowl and she started munching away. 
"Man you eat a lot"
Once she was finished eating you started to spend some time with the her. You ran with her and petted her and cuddled with her. After she was done running she went to her corner and layed down. You smiled as she did that. Then you went to your room and Started watching attack on titan. 

(Oh and if your wondering this is what your bunny looks like)  

(Oh and if your wondering this is what your bunny looks like)  

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"Man that was good"

You said as you checked your phone to see what the time is. The clock read '9:18' which now it's time to feed the bunny again for dinner. You got up and stretched.

"Man how many episodes did I watch already?"

You got out of your room petted (bunny's name) and went to get her lettuce. She ran to her pet bowl as she heard the lettuce go into the bowl.


You said as you petted her. No response, just munching noises. You smiled to yourself thinking 'she's just the cutest'. You put away the lettuce and headed to your room. You lived in a house with no stories so it could be easier for the bunny get to places. As you plopped on your bed you picked up your phone and started to look at memes on insta. It was now '11:43' and you were basically dead from all those memes. You put you phone down on your chest and you just started thinking how different your life would be. You had a flight in 2 days, that was your flight to Japan. School started in 2 weeks so you had time to get everything together. 'I wonder if there is gonna be any sports that I can play?'. In middle school you played as a libero for the girls volleyball team. In the two years of high school that you had in California you played softball. Even before middle school you played softball. It was just a thing in the family. You are all huge baseball fans. 'Image I get a boyfriend from going to that school' you let out a loud 'ha' just having that thought. There was no way that could happen. A lot of boys had crushes on you in your past years of school, but you didn't like a single one of them. They all weren't you type and were annoying, stupid, and gross.

"Imma get a snack"

You walked out of your room and got some ice cream. You lived alone but since your birthday was months away it was fine. Your a 17 year old girl living on their own. How odd is that? That's basically a child in America. So you had to lie about your age just so you could live alone. When everybody left the house it was your house now. You loved the fact that you could do anything you wanted. Eat as much food as you want. Singing very loudly. Blasting music every now and then. It was the life. As you finished your ice cream you made your way into the kitchen to put the bowl in the sink. You then go into your room and drift off.


You slowly wake up as you feel something touch you. You freak out and get your phone flash light. It was just your bunny.

"Oh phew it was just you"

You said as you picked up the bunny and snuggled with her. She flopped so it could be easier to get out of your arms if she needed to use the bathroom. Good thing (bunnies name) is potty trained so that way she won't pee on your sheets.

(Yes bunnies can be potty trained)

Aight this is the author speaking. I'm sorry if it was short or "IT didnT havE KuRoo IN iT, ItS noT a X reaDeR" look I know it didn't have kuroo but chill aight! THIS TYPE OF STORY TAKES TIME! Anyways bye. Cya till next chapter.

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