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You sat down next to Kuroo. Class was now about to start any minute now. You were playing with your fingers as you waited. You moved your left leg a little to the side but accidentally touch Kuroo's leg. You flinched and moved your leg back. 'Oh shoot I touched his leg on accident!'. Kuroo felt it and did the same thing back to your leg. You realized what he was doing. You pushed your leg back but pushed it a little more harder.
You smiled a little. Kuroo touched the back of your leg with his. 'So he wants to do this now huh'. You were about to almost kick his leg but the teacher walked in. This stopped you from potentially hurting him.

Kuroo's POV~

When the teacher walked in she stopped. Then it hit me. 'So she's one of those students. The type to beat someone up and still have the teachers like her, huh?' I looked at her and smiled a little. I really want to be friends with her.

Y/n's POV~

The teacher starts talking and informing the students about this English learning class. The teacher walks over to me.
"Are you the new student who speaks English?"
She asks.

"Yes I am."

"Alright so I'm going to introduce you to the class. Your also going to help all of the students here with English when I can't Alright. Meaning if they have trouble with pronouncing words, spelling, and just in general speaking English, got it?"

"Yea, okay."

She introduces you to the class. She tells you to stand up so everyone knows who you are. You stand up and people start to look at you so they know who you are. You sit back  down hoping this class goes well for you.


"Wow this class is really easy."
You say.

"Well easy for you to say. You've spoken English your entire life."
Dream says jokingly.

"Well yea I know that but I thought the teacher was going to make me go through a lot since I speak English fluently."

"True, well anyways let's go to our next class."

You both packed your stuff and left. 


It was on the end of the day. You walked out of the school gates and said bye to Dream. You grabbed your skateboard out of your bag when you saw Kuroo talking to a guy with dyed hair. You didn't think anything of it and started riding your skate board. You passed by them. Kuroo looked surprised to see you on a skateboard.

Kuroo's POV~

I was talking to Kenma when I see y/n on a skateboard. I stopped talking when I saw her. 'I didn't know she can ride a skateboard.' I was a bit shocked.

"Do you like her?"
Kenma asks.

"What! No I just met her not to long ago!"
I say in defense.

"Hey what do you know, your blushing."

I cover my face.

"You should just go talk to her."

"I would but she doesn't speak Japanese, she only speaks English and Spanish."
I say in defeat.

"So she's a Latina?"
Kenma asks?

"Well yea. She said something in Spanish in class one time. I thought it was pretty cool."

"Good luck with that."
Kenma says a bit sarcastically.

Y/n's POV~

You finally made it back to your apartment. You fed your bunny and took a shower. You put on a big loose shirt and had high waisted shorts.

"Aww it sure feels good to be home, right bunbuns."

You put on some music and started sketching in your sketchbook. You took a few dance breaks and sang almost all of the songs word for word.

A couple of hours passed. You checked your phone. '8:58' was the time. You felt a little tired.

"Ok maybe one episode of an anime, it won't hurt right."

You checked your phone. '10:23'.

"What the- but it was just- huh!"
You closed your laptop and made your way to bed. You felt right asleep.

Y'all I'm ALIVE! Sorry I haven't been posting almost at all I've just been really busy and lazy ha. Anyways tho hope y'all like this one it's a little short than others. Cya til the next chapter~✌🏻✨❤️

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