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It was now the second day of school. You got out of your bed and got ready. Now that your uniform was put on and your hair was done you got a medium sized box out of the fridge that contains strawberries. You enjoyed the sweetness of them. 'How about I take some for me and dream to share!' With that thought in mind you put the strawberries in a cute pink box. You put the strawberries back in the fridge and when you looked back you see a your bunny looking at you with that -I want some- face.

"Bruh I already fed you. You always want food, it's like your never hungry."

(Bunny's name) just flopped on the floor as if she was begging you with her cuteness.


With that you left to put your shoes on, get your bag with the strawberries, and your skateboard. You pulled out your keys from your bag and start leaving for school. You grabbed your phone. '7:14am'. 'Oh wow I went early'. 


You got off your skateboard and kicked the tail of it so it would fall towards you. You grabbed and put it in your bag. You looked up and saw dream with an expression that said -THATS SO COOL but how-.

"Uhm are you okay dream?"

"That was so cool!"

"Girl it was so simple how was it that cool?"

"I don't know I just never seen people skate."

You felt a little bad that she's never seen something so common where you were from.

"Anyways- dream I brought some strawberries for us to share!"

"Oh really! Those are my fav!"

You pulled them out from your bag and opened the box for her to see some ripe and red strawberries. She got a one and ate it.

"Oh wow that's really sweet!"
She said with joy.

"Yea I know! I had some this morning and OH did it hit the spot."

You two enjoyed the strawberries you had got. Heck y'all basically ate all of them. You both were now headed to your first class together which is science class.

"Oh hey y/n I forgot to tell you but there's this class that's kinda important for all the third years to go to. The class teaches English! I told the teacher we have a new student who spoke English and that's you! The teacher said for you to come to his class now so we can have you teach some people how to correctly say words."
She ends her words with a smile.

"Really! M-me teaching people English! Uhm that's kinda out of the ordinary don't ya think."
You say rubbing your neck.

"C'mon it'll be fun!"
Dream says grabbing your hand with puppy eyes.

"Fine. I mean it's only English it shouldn't be too hard to teach, hehe."


"So when's that class start?"
You say.

"Oh right after this science class."

"Oh wow"
You both now made it into science class and there was kuroo. You both made eye contact once again. You quickly looked away. Kuroo noticed this and now has a little smile on his face.

Some girls came up to you and dream. They started talking to as if they thought you knew Japanese. Dream had to say that you didn't understand a single word these girls were saying. They looked so dumb after they heard that. Dream had to now translate everything. One of the girls said something to dream leading her to say:

"She said how do you have such long hair"

"Oh I just never cut it."

Dream said it now in Japanese. The girls in front of you all now said "eh!". The girls started getting a little closer saying questions they had in Japanese.

"Wow wow calmate!"
*means take it easy in Spanish( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*

Everyone looked at you weirdly. Even kuroo had a look of confusion on his face. You covered your mouth. 'Crap I yelled take it easy in Spanish!'.

"What did you say?"
Dream said with a little serious tone. Your hands slowly come off your mouth.

"I-I said take it easy.. in Spanish."
You looked down. You didn't know what to do in that moment. It was already so awkward.

Dream now started shaking you for an answer.

"Surprise hehe"
You said nervously.

"That's so cool! You need to teach me some!"
The girls in front of you looked confused. They hadn't a clue on what was going on. One of the girls tapped dreams shoulder.

"Oh right"
Dream said as if she was going to do something. She told the girls what just happened. Dream must of said it a little too loud because now the whole class was staring at you with amazement in their eyes. You had no idea what was now coming your way.

Next thing ya know almost everyone starts coming up to you with things to say to you in Japanese. This startled you very quickly. The teacher walked in and slammed her desk making everyone go to their seats. Dream basically dragged you to your seat. You were still confused why everyone is so scared of their teachers. The teacher walked up to you leaned over and whispered:

"Hey are you alright?"

You whispered back:

"Oh yea I'm fine."

She nodded and starts class.


You and dream both packed up your stuff for your next class. Your next class was English which is the class dream had told you about. You both walk out and since you didn't know where this class was you just followed dream.

"Alright so this is the class I was talking to you about, you know where the third years learn English."

"Oh yea"

You looked up and there he was again. This time kuroo had a little smile. He looked at you and you gave him a small but wholesome smile. This made him look forward a little.

'Image if he liked me. No, that's pure nonsense. He doesn't even know me that well so how would he even like me.' You thought.

"Well it seems like there is only two seats left"
Dream said you looked around the class to see what she was talking about. Then it hit you. Right next to kuroo again. You didn't mind though. He was a little cute to you so it was fine.

"Ok let's go"
This made you snap back to reality. You followed dream to sit next to kuroo.

Hey y'all I'm back from the dead😔✌🏻I'm sorry I haven't posted in almost a a MONTH but it's fine. I haven't really been able to write my story too much so yeah. Anyways hope y'all enjoy and cya til next chapter✌🏻✨~

Latina/kurooxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now