Chapter 56 "Let's Go Torture A Bitch"

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*Veronica POV*

I felt my heartbeat quicken as Lorenzo and I walked around the warehouse that was now mostly covered in bodies now. Alex still hasn't been found but most of his guys are dead or arrested. 

"I don't think he's here" I leaned against the wall ready to give up. 

"We are going to find him princess" Lorenzo promised. I reached out pulling him closer to me wanting to hold on to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist making sure my gun isn't pointed to us. I felt him pressed against me his leg between mine spreading them. 

"I want this to be over already" I mumbled I feel his hand rubbing back of my hand soothing me to calm down. I was getting tired of looking around for this coward, we had been walking around so long there's barely anyone left from his gang around. Lorenzo's nose brushed mine as his lips moved closer to mine. I felt my breath quicken waiting for him to kiss me until I heard someone enter the room we were in. I instantly snapped out of the trance Lorenzo had me, I aimed my gun at the stranger who froze caught.

"I erm shit" he stumbled out words. I knew he wasn't with us, I shot hitting the mans throat making him drop to the floor. Lorenzo didn't even flinch at the sound, we had both gotten a little too used to hearing it today. I put my gun down on a desk not far from us. 

"Is it bad I'm so hard for you right now?" I laughed at his comment. Lorenzo's hand on my chin he pulled me up smashing his lips to mine. I let out a moan in pain as my head hit the wall, I ignored it wrapping my arms and legs around Lorenzo. His hands cupped my ass holding me up pressed against the wall. I pulled away for air feeling Lorenzo's lips moving down kissing and licking my throat. 

"Enzo" I tried grinding my hips against him feeling his cock harden. I dropped my legs from his waist I threw my jacket on to the floor followed by my t shirt and jeans unbothered about the location. 

"Someone could-" he stopped talking as I dropped my panties on to the pile of clothes. 

"Close the door then, daddy" I smirked watching him rush to the door pushing a set of draws in front of it to stop it from opening. I sat on the edge of the desk waiting for Lorenzo to strip down to take me. I pushed the shit on to the floor unbothered since this time I wouldn't have to clean it up. Lorenzo easily pushed me on to my back my legs hung off the desk, I moaned feeling him teasing me with the tip of his cock. 

"We don't have all-" I let out loud cry feeling every inch slide in me at once.

"What was that princess?" I moaned in response my hand over my head gripped on to the desk. 

"Daddy faster" I begged closing my eyes. I felt Lorenzo's hand on my clit rubbing it as he thrusted in and out of me causing me scream more. I felt the build up hitting the highest point, I was ready for a release. 

"Fuck I" Lorenzo's hand covered my mouth when the banging on the door started. I panicked pushing Lorenzo away I put my clothes back on messily, Lorenzo did the same thing. I loaded my gun prepared for the possible attack. The door finally pushed open to show Kat and Danny. My fucking brother. Fuck him. Ruining my perfect orgasm. 

"We found Alex in the wall" Kat skipped over to me excited. I sent her a fake smile I was sincerely pissed off even more. They had Alex. We weren't in any danger. They just wanted to ruin my high. I sent daggers to the back of Danny's head while Kat spoke about how Alex had a secret book self. She went on a little too long about how it was a little cliché. I nodded agreeing to anything she said while thinking about how Lorenzo had me on my back on that very desk my brother had decided to sit on. 

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