Chapter 33 'You're Something Else Sweetheart'

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*Veronica POV*

I put my pyjamas back on it was around 10pm I knew everyone would still be awake and maybe slightly drunk.

"We need to go back down princess" Lorenzo put his grey sweats back on. I sighed getting up I found my clothes slowly putting them on. Even after the hour nap I felt like we had just finished. I was so sore but I wouldn't have it any other way. I loved the way he would just take me, bite me, lick and suck me. All the marks he'd left on me showed how much he liked it.

"You need a shirt" I told him running my hand down his back. I saw all the lines and dents from my nails on his back.

"I'll get one from your brother's room, you should go down" he kissed my cheek before he left. I make my way down stairs trying not to let my legs give up and fall.

"She's back" Xander commented being the first to notice me I gave everyone a awkward smile.

"Vodka to forget the pain?" Amy offered a glass of vodka mixed with orange juice.

"Thanks" I gulped it down needing more to get through this now awkward silence. I drank three glasses by the time Lorenzo came down I was happily getting closer to tipsy.

"I borrowed a shirt man" Lorenzo said Danny simply nodded jaw clenched.

"Dude you okay?" Xander asked Danny who grunted glaring at Lorenzo. I did a couple shots with the girls. The guys drank a few beers before we decided it was karaoke time. I was happily in my tipsy stage with the rest of the girls giggling and laughing. The guys were more relaxed and free now they had whiskey in their systems.

"Can I go first?" Amy yelled happily taking the laptop to choose a song. I sat on Lorenzo's lap my back to his front. I leaned back in to his chest one of his arms was around my waist hand on my stomach. He had whiskey in his other hand sipping it slowly as we watched everyone perform until it was our go. Amy sang 'breaking free' she forced Noah to sing Troy's part. Kat sang 'call me maybe' everyone cheered her on.  Danny refused to do a solo which Kat happily fixed by choosing another song for the both of them to sing. Xander sang 'Wasn't Me' Shaggy loudly and very off key. Everyone sang along laughing at Xander's awfully dancing which made the singing barrable. Liam and Levi both refused to sing which left Lorenzo and I. We decided to sing 'Summer Nights' Grease. Everyone joined in as back up while we acted out the scene dramatically. It was at this point I knew I was too drunk.

"Take me to bed" I whispered in to Lorenzo's ear while he spoke to Danny. I was sat on his lap lonely since Xander, Noah, Amy and Kat had all gone sleep. Liam and Levi took the games room since they wanted to play before bed.

"I'll be up in five" Lorenzo replied he tried to get me off him but I clung on digging my nails in to his forearms.

"Danny told Kat that and it's been over a hour. Don't lie to me. Just come up stairs" I pouted. I knew I looked like a spoilt kid but I wanted him with me.

"We'll talk in the morning" Lorenzo gave in. I wrapped my legs around his waist put my arms around his neck holding on to him like a Koala bear. His hands gripped on to my ass walking us up to my old room.

"Your brother's mad he knows we had sex earlier" I rolled my eyes.

"He has sex in his room so what if we do in mine?" I asked I pulled Lorenzo on top of me not letting go. His breath on my face just inches apart.

"Your his little sister he's always going to think of you as a kid he needs to protect" Lorenzo defended Danny.

"I don't need to be protected" I sighed.

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