Chapter 59 "Forever Princess"

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A/N we are getting near the end guys. I'm going to miss writing this book! I might have to go back and edit the book but I have a new book out with three chapters already published! It's called 'Brother's Best Friend' check it out after this chapter of course.

*Veronica POV*

I woke up to Lorenzo opening passenger car door to get me out, I unclipped the seatbelt then reached out to Lorenzo to help my half asleep ass. I hooked one arm around his neck then gasped when Lorenzo swept me off my knees to carry me.

"Want to get in bed princess?" I nodded moving around until I was on his back wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands gripped my legs holding me securely as we walked in to the apartment building.

Lorenzo dropped me on the bed before he got on his knees taking off my heels. I let out a couple moans as he massaged my feet with both hands.

"You're fucking amazing" I complimented him feeling the pain in my feet fade.

"Strip" Lorenzo ordered before he left the room to the wardrobe. I quickly threw my dress off unhooked the bra letting my boobs fall free. Lorenzo returned with one of his t shirts and a hot water bottle in hand.

"I thought we was going to Danny's" I suddenly remembered.

"I know you're feeling shit so I thought we could come home watch a couple scary movies and eat some very unhealthy snacks" I put his t shirt on making sure to take in his scent it still drove me crazy.

"I'm not hung-"

"Don't go down this road Ronnie" I felt my heart break at the sound of his voice. He sounded sad and worried. I moved under the quilt taking the remote I switched Netflix on, Lorenzo pulled me in to him. He was sat up my head rested on his chest my leg wrapped over his, I relaxed feeling Lorenzo's hand on my thighs drawing circles.

"Amy told me about the self harm and how you wouldn't eat properly unless my mom was sat watching you" I felt tears hazing my vision.

"Enzo plea-" I sobbed quietly.

"I don't want you going backwards princess, look at how far you've come since then" Lorenzo tilted my head up to look at him.

"I love you so much you're weight doesn't matter to me I just want you to be happy" Lorenzo pressed a soft kiss on my lips.

"If you want to lose weight we do it a healthy way, together understood?" I hummed reaching up kissing him again.

"What about the dirty way?" I climbed on top of him. I pressed my crotch against his my knees pressed on to the bed on either side of him.

"Ronnie I'm being serious" Lorenzo groaned when I grinding against his boxers.

"I know Papi" I kissed down his neck.

"Ronnie" Lorenzo pushed the t shirt I was wearing up. I licked and sucked on his skin letting Lorenzo's hands guide my hips moving against him.

"Daddy" I whispered in to his ear. I squealed when Lorenzo slammed my back on to the bed, he quickly pulled off my panties and t shirt.

"Fucking perfect" Lorenzo looked down at me his eyes darkened with lust and dominance. His tongue ran over his bottom lip as he eyed me. I felt my stomach fill with butterflies, I knew it was dumb but the fact he was still wanting me so much made me so happy. He wanted me even at the times I didn't really want myself.

"I love you Enzo" I bit my lip staring up at him lost in his eyes. His lips curved up in to a full smile showing me his white teeth.

"You better, you're stuck with me" Lorenzo kissed down my body making sure to touch every part of me.

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