Chapter 57 "Then Fuck Me Like You've Missed Me"

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One month later

*Veronica POV* 

"I fucking miss him" I sighed drinking the shot I'd poured myself. We were at the club tonight it had been a while since we had gone out without fearing of dying. A week after being back Lorenzo left with Dan to go on their own mission to sort out the guard issue he had. 

"I miss sex" Kat joined in with my negative ass. Amy however wasn't with us tonight she had a boyfriend. One she could have sex with. Kat agreed to help me run the club tonight since I was too tired from being at the restaurant all day. After being back I changed the way the restaurant ran, I now had the chance to make it in to a chain. I wanted to open another one in the city before extending it out. We've been booked up until June opening a new restaurant while we're still thriving could either make or break the business. I'm hoping the later.

"I miss hearing him say dirty things in Italian" I swallowed another shot. We were in the office drinking our lonely asses away. 

"I miss hearing dirty things in Spanish" Kat laughed moving on the floor. She laid on her back looking up at the ceiling her eyes closed. 

"Apuesto a que te ves tan bien desnudo" 

(I bet you look so good naked)

I watch Kat let out a very clearly fake moan.

"Keep talking dirty to me V" I laughed before talking again.

"Tus largas piernas-"

(Your long legs) I had to stop I needed to laugh. 

"Come on V it's been a long month" I took the bottle and shot glass with me to the floor. I set them next to her pouring her a shot then one for myself. 

"Compra un juguete, no soy mi hermano" 

(Buy a toy, I'm not my brother) 

"Right there" Kat moaned louder clearly not understanding me. 

"Puta" I mumbled closing my eyes feeling sick. 

"That one I know, Dan calls me that when I-"

"Nope, no, stop" I felt too dizzy from the tequila to get up. 

"Too much V?" I let out a groan rolling on to my front. 

I felt myself falling asleep when I heard his voice, it was as if he was with us in the room. 

"I told you not to leave them with the club" I needed to roll over. I kept repeating the instruction until I found some kind of strength. 

"I didn't think they would drink it dry" they were both back alive. Yaay party, I did it I rolled over. 

"Enzo" I called out. No reply. I heard him he was here. 

"Dan?" I questioned but nothing. Kat and I sat up at the same time trying to get set to close the club like we had done every Friday since being back. Standing up I gripped on to the desk feeling the alcohol rush to my head. 

"Kat I think I'm too drunk" I muttered thinking about the voices I heard. My eyes watered up blurring my vision slightly. 

"I can't get up can you close alone?" I looked down to see her on her back again. I'll have to come back up for her. I took the water bottle I had on the desk drinking as much as I could before I got the keys set to go downstairs. I looked at the office door to see to figures stood holding in their laughter. Their eyes shining with the tears they had from wanting to laugh so hard watching us being clueless.

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