Chapter 4 " I Started To Fall For You Ronnie"

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*Veronica POV*

Lorenzo helped kick the last of the drunks with security. I felt that bit safer with him around not that security weren't good they were amazing it's just this feeling I get when I'm around Lorenzo. I feel safe and like I could trust him with my life even if he has been locked away for 10 years he will always be Enzo to me. The first guy other than family to show me what love was.

"Recount these then we can go" I explained handing him cash. I watched him silently recount the notes in his hands.

"Staring is rude sweetheart" I blinked not realising that I was staring.

"Don't flatter yourself I was zoned out" I replied switching the computer off. Lorenzo locked the safe my bag in his hand.

"To the club?" I asked unsure if he was going to keep working or end his shift here. I usually go home but Amy wants to go to the club since it is a Saturday and her lonely ass wanted some loving even if it was for one night.

"Dan asked me to meet him I think he wants to show me around" I nodded understandingly. I locked my fingers around my bag taking it from Lorenzo's hand. He pulled on the bag bringing me closer to him. I watched him drink in my face his eyes scanning over every inch of my face remembering it all. I did the same to him I found a new scar above his left eyebrow he never used to have that. I knew all his scars because I was usually around when his dumbass would get them. The scar going down his chin from when he wanted to be a skater with Dan they both went down some stairs on their boards, it ended with Lorenzo landing first taking the fall harder than Dan who just landed on top of him. Dan came away with a twisted ankle but Lorenzo had to get stitches his chin was split open. I remembered begging him crying for him to go hospital but he refused too scared how his mum would kill him. I ended up having to get a friend's older sister who was training to be a nurse to come over and stitch him up.

"Do you think we would be different if I didn't leave?" Lorenzo finally spoke. I looked up from his chin to see him intensely starring at me. What does he mean would we be different? We would always have each other.

"You would always be a part of my life" I replied not too sure if it was a good response.

"What if I wanted to be more than just a part?" I raised a eyebrow at him wanting him to continue.

"Ronnie I know it's been over ten years but we were each others first kiss. You became the only person I could be emotional with. I told you things that I would never tell someone" I closed my eyes thinking back to our first kiss. I was 11 he was 13 we both had listened to my brother brag about kissing some girl in his grade at break. Lorenzo felt insecure that no one would want to kiss him since most of the guys he knew had already had their first kisses.


"Enzo I promise someone will kiss you" I held his pinky locked around mine.

"Ronnie you don't understand I'm the only guy left that hasn't done it" I rolled my eyes at how little this problem seemed. I'm sure someone out there is starving and here he was wanting to be kissed.

"Kiss me?" I asked. Lorenzo's head snapped to me his lips parted wanting to say something.

"Kiss me" I demanded it this time. I knew if he was my first he wouldn't say anything bad about the way I kissed since I would be his first too. I knew he cared about me too much to go around talking about me. Lorenzo didn't move any closer I sighed getting up from the sofa to go since he clearly did not want to kiss me.

"Ronnie" I walked away embarrassed that I made myself look so desperate. I was pushed against the wall in the hallway. Lorenzo put both hands on my cheeks as his eyes bored in to mine.

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