2 - Your What?

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This is so fucking weird.

Namjoon thought to himself as the man looked at him seriously. The stranger didn't even flinch when Namjoon raised his eyebrows at him, purposely showing his distaste for the other's rather eccentric behavior. Namjoon knew that it was normal to be approached by a stranger because of the pheromones that someone exuded. He had seen it happen to Hoseok a lot that he almost lost count. However, it's pretty obvious that it never happened to him, simply because he didn't have enough pheromones, to begin with. Honestly, he preferred it that way.

That's why he arrived at the conclusion that this guy wasn't probably right in the head. Or it could also work that this guy was a creep. Either way, both scenarios were dangerous.

"Are you also aware that you're invading my personal space?" Namjoon stepped back as the guy leaned his face even more. It didn't help that he looked even more attractive up close.

Damn, this guy's nose bridge is high. He must be a supermodel or something. Too pretty of a face to just hang around a stranger like him at this time of the night. Namjoon shook off his thoughts and backed away again.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Namjoon chuckled in confusion and looked at the other weirdly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he laughed and straightened his back, "My apologies. I just couldn't think straight for a minute there. You're just so- ugh," the guy washed his hands on his face like he was in some sort of internal battle.

"Are you okay?" Now Namjoon's mood shifted, feeling slightly concerned about the guy's mental well-being. He honestly didn't have to feel worried about this stranger that weirded him out. Namjoon assumed that maybe this guy was high on something. Although, he didn't look stoned nor acted like it. He's probably just awkward. Or so he'd hoped.

The brunette nodded at Namjoon. "I'm fine! Thanks for asking," he replied and grinned.

Holy shit. His grin... Why does this man look like a fucking greek god?!

Namjoon blushed at the sight. Was he even allowed to be breathing the same air as someone as perfect as this ethereal creature right in front of him?

Fuck. Namjoon, snap out of it. You literally called him a creep just a minute ago.

He wasn't even done scolding himself yet when the other took his hands and clasped them. Namjoon took another fitful of internal screams when he saw the guy's freakishly long fingers eat up his own. And when he thought he had big hands... this guy was even bigger.

Oh no. Namjoon tried so hard to block his intrusive thoughts. Shush, Namjoon! Quit being a creep! He's literally stalking you.

"I promise you that I'm not weird. I uhh- I think you smell amazing. You're very intoxicating. I mean not you, but your smell. Oh no! Fuck! I don't mean that in a bad way! I mean I didn't wanna describe you- the person carrying that smell to be intoxicating. You're pretty! Aaahh! I'm not saying that your smell is intoxicating-like...in a bad way! Stupid Taetae!" The stranger blabbered and honestly, Namjoon was only quietly enjoying the warmth of his big hands and listening to his deep voice. The guy's little argument with himself was cute, to say the least.

"Calm down. I get what you're trying to say." Namjoon smiled to be polite. The handsome man stopped talking to himself and smiled back, holding Namjoon's hands tightly while they stood together without saying anything.

It's getting awkward.

Namjoon looked away and he chuckled forcefully. "I'm sorry but I really have to go. Nice talking to you by the way. Goodbye!" He bowed slightly before turning around and started to walk briskly. He didn't dare look back because he wouldn't rather spend another minute admiring a stranger he met on the street.

Thanks to his long legs, he quickly reached his destination with his breath slightly huffing at the cold and from the weird encounter he had a few minutes ago. He heaved a deep sigh as he entered the café. The pleasant and calm ambiance of the small restaurant quickly calmed his nerves down.

"Hey, Jooniee!" He heard a whistle from across the room and he automatically grinned when he caught sight of his dear friend ready to jump on him. He grunted when his friend tackled him into a hug and the first thing he did was breathe in the other's burnt cocoa scent.

"You must be starving," Hoseok said as he guided him to his table.

"Very much," Namjoon replied and he gasped a little when he saw more people sitting at their table. "I thought it was only the two of us?!"

The sight left a bad taste in Namjoon's mouth. Hoseok's other friends were there. Seokjin, Yoongi, and Jimin. Just great. He didn't want to interact with anyone other than Hoseok at all. Now he's stuck.

"It's fineee! They're really cool once you get to know them." Hoseok showed him a reassuring heart-shaped grin. He would've cooed, but he couldn't for the fact that it wasn't reassuring enough for him at that moment. Namjoon put on a weak smile when the guys noticed him and greeted him loudly. He just really wanted to eat good food and be scented by his best friend, not drain his social battery, as if it's not already drained enough.

Namjoon sat beside Hoseok and Jimin, across him was Yoongi. There was an empty spot beside Yoongi, with an extra plate for possibly another person. He merely guessed.

"Woaah Namjoon, you're really tall!" Jimin nodded and looked at him in amazement.

Namjoon laughed in embarrassment. "Ahh really?"

"How tall are you?"

"180 centimeters, more or less," Namjoon answered. He drank his glass of water and picked up his chopsticks. He begins to help himself with a big portion of japchae and kimchi, putting on his rice first before eating a mouthful.

Jimin hummed in awe and he proceeded on asking him questions and he would reply shortly after every bite. Jimin was especially loud, but Seokjin was exceptionally loud. Yoongi was like an old drunk man, always bragging about how good he was at absolutely nothing.

Namjoon was starting to feel comfortable around them, now asking them about their majors, and the things that they do. They didn't make him feel even slightly out of place.

Too bad it didn't last for long.

"Oh sorry, I'm late! Something happened and fuuu- you won't believe what happened!"

A guy came rushing to their table and then sat abruptly on the chair beside Yoongi. He took off his beret hat and ruffled his hair. The other looked up and Namjoon's heart dropped.

The same man smirked at him, his sharp eyes gleaming happily when he saw him. He made a rambunctious sound as he pointed at Namjoon, making everyone turn their attention to them.

"Hey! That's my mate!"

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