8 - Unfair

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Namjoon looked at Taehyung intently, waiting for the other's response. However, the other was casually taking his time eating Namjoon's blueberry cheesecake to actually care.

"Well?" Namjoon urged him to speak.

Taehyung sighed, before putting down his fork and crossing his arm, his muscles flexing a bit.

"Why are you suddenly curious about that?" He asked as he slid down a bit on his seat. Namjoon did not know if his question made Taehyung uncomfortable or the brunette just did not care at all.

"I just wanna know. You weirded me out yesterday, you know."

"Oh..." Taehyung could only mutter.

"But it's fine now! We're good. You just confused me the hell out of me..." Namjoon trailed off. All he wanted to know was a snippet of Taehyung's thoughts or at least an explanation of his past behavior. It's not like he was forcing Taehyung to spill his darkest secrets.

Taehyung nodded and he shifted a bit in his seat. "I understand. I'm sorry for acting like that yesterday."

"It's really okay, Taehyung. Now, tell me," he said.

An unreadable expression was pasted on Taehyung's face, and Namjoon's patience was slowly but surely eroding like sand in a small timepiece. Namjoon gripped on his coffee for a bit, his hands feeling clammy yet the back of his neck felt so warm in anticipation.

Taehyung heaved a long sigh before glancing at Namjoon.

"Yes, I can."

Namjoon's heart had never beaten so fast until now, he was shaken. He didn't know if it was his double shot espresso or what Taehyung said or maybe a mix both. Either way, he was shaken up to the core, and he never felt so agitated. What should he say? What's the proper response of finally knowing that somebody had finally smelled him? What would this mean? Should he tell his parents? Is there a chance for him?

Namjoon wasn't done processing his thoughts when Taehyung interrupted him again.

"Oh wait, you know what? I change my mind," he said casually before he continued to sip on his drink.

"Sorry?" Namjoon asked, a bit surprised that Taehyung just literally chose to ignore his question.

"I won't tell you."

"What do you mean you won't tell me? Are you serious? Are you lying?" Namjoon can feel his temperature rise up. He wears a perplexed expression on his face.

Taehyung seemed to notice that Namjoon took offense on his refusal to disclose the former's question, understandably so. Taehyung held eye contact with Namjoon and then he propped his elbows on the table and leaned closer to Namjoon as he responded, "I'm not lying. I'm just taking my time."

"For what? Are you playing with me?" Namjoon cannot even mask the irritation laced in his deep voice, so he clears his throat to at least make himself keep it together. Taehyung's not just striking his nerves, he was frolicking with it. He wanted answers, not mind games.

Taehyung shrugged. "Well, I figured it would be so easy for you if I already told you. It would be unfair for me, don't you think?"

"Easy for me? Unfair? Dude," Namjoon heaved a sigh, "This is an actual condition and I'm not just asking you because I'm curious. I and my doctor would appreciate if you tell me so I could understand what's happening. Unless..."

"Unless?" Taehyung asked and even if he didn't sound like he was mocking Namjoon, the latter still glared at him.

"You were lying about the scent and mate thing," he almost whispered the last word. He almost sounded kind of embarrassed at even saying the word. It did feel unnatural on his tongue.

Taehyung shook his head. "No, I wouldn't lie about that. In fact, I am not trying to hide the truth from you or anything, I just want one thing from you and then I will tell you."

Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed as he leaned closer, slightly intrigued by the way Taehyung worded it. "Okay? So what do you want? I gotta tell you, if it's money, you already know that I'm the kind of broke that would sell my used socks for 5 bucks."

Taehyung chuckled at that. "No, I don't need your money, but I would empty my wallet if you do start selling yours," he said nonchalantly.

Namjoon glanced down on his shoes and his socks that may not have been washed for three days now,  his poor socks working overtime as Namjoon had not been able (or he was too lazy) to do laundry.

"Okay, we're being sidetracked, let's cut to the chase. So?" Namjoon tried to get back to the real topic of their conversation. And he couldn't really sell his used socks to Taehyung, the poor lad will die if he caught a whiff. Not that he was considering of course.

Taehyung took a deep breath, finally acting seriously.

"Date me, Kim Namjoon."

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