4 - Hunger and Mischief

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"Is this one of your silly jokes again, Tae?" Hoseok asked him.

Namjoon looked at Taehyung, their eyes meeting each other halfway. The former looked genuinely confused and he couldn't sense any hint of mischief in Taehyung's eyes. Just pure wonder and bewilderment.

Everyone at the table was either chuckling in confusion, wondering what was going on, specifically, what's going on inside Taehyung's head.

Taehyung chuckled and waved off his chopsticks. "Sorry, I was kidding," he chirped.

And just like that, the tension quickly eased off and the boys went back to their usual conversation. Namjoon couldn't look at Taehyung for the rest of the meal. He wasn't sure if Taehyung was telling the truth or if was that actually part of his whole "persona." Maybe it was the latter, considering that everyone was easily convinced by his answer, despite it being utterly questionable.

The dinner ended smoothly. Namjoon first told Hoseok that he was tired, and soon after, everyone followed suit, bidding their goodbyes.

Namjoon stood up from his chair and started to walk towards the exit. Someone grabbed him by the arm and he turned his head to see Taehyung.

"Is something wrong?" Namjoon asked. He didn't really appreciate the constant invasion of his personal space throughout the whole dinner from Taehyung. He was hungry and broke that week, so he had to stop himself from telling Taehyung off.

Taehyung grunted, avoiding direct eye contact. "Would you mind if I walk you home?"

The taller caught himself getting speechless. Why would Taehyung want to? They weren't that close, and the whole mate thing still kind of weirded Namjoon out. He just wanted to get home.

"Uhh... You know Taehyung- I bet you're a really nice person. But you don't have to force yourself to be friends with me just because you're friends with mine," he blurted.

"But I'm not forcing myself, and I don't wanna be your friend," Taehyung responded.

Namjoon was appalled, his jaw-dropping in astonishment. "Well, there's your answer."

Namjoon walked away in exasperation and went out of the establishment. He could hear Taehyung call out his name as he dashed away, but Namjoon was too annoyed at the latter to pay him any attention.

That night before bed, Namjoon called Hoseok and told him about Taehyung on his way out of the restaurant. Hoseok told him that Taehyung was a really good friend of his, and he sorta was the glue of the friend group. Apparently, they all knew each other because of Taehyung who introduced Hoseok to the other guys.

That ticked Namjoon off. Now he knew the culprit who took more time off of him and Hoseok being together. He wasn't going to lie, he was a bit possessive of his loved ones. He was afraid of change and he didn't want to break off his routines.

And so, one of his loved routines is going to the library to read every morning. On days when he ran out of ramen to eat every meal, he would go to one of the many libraries at his school. Not to study, but to prevent himself from thinking of food first thing in the morning. He would eat a lot for lunch and leech off of Hoseok for dinner. Rinse and repeat.

Namjoon sat at his usual table, it's where most people avoid sitting because it was too drafty on that side of the room. He didn't like anyone sitting near him either way because he would be too wary about anybody's presence, and add to the fact that he didn't want them to hear his stomach growling in hunger. And yes, he knew it was cold, but that's what his sweater was for.

He took out his book, his charger, and his phone from his bag then charged his phone on the table socket. He took out his highlighter and started studying away. He was fifteen minutes deep into reading his Theology book when a faint scent of lavender and chamomile tea wafted through the air. The scent was heavenly and sweet yet so gentle to his nose like he was being lulled to sleep. It's so calm and sweet oh so so sweet, sweet- not.

"Hey, Namjoonie," a deep albeit honeyed voice called out his name, a familiar boxy smile gracing him.

Too pretty.


He must have been dreaming... right?

"Namjoonie!" Taehyung happily hugged him and took the liberty to sit beside him-so closely- beside him.

Namjoon grunted in response, quite speechless at the unwanted surprise. How did Taehyung see him? Surely he must have been dreaming. And he saw him in his favorite place! What if Taehyung knew he liked going there every morning? Would he start annoying him and following him everywhere? Oh god.

"Taehyung! What-what are you doing here?" Namjoon looked everywhere to confirm if there were available and better tables in the library. Yes, there were. A whole lot of them. So why? Why must he have to put up with Taehyung's... Taehyungness?

Taehyung chuckled and looked away, "Ohh... I was just passing by. Then I kind of- just wondered, what if I study today? Who knows, maybe I'd get motivated by studying this early in the morning. So really, I just passed by and when I was looking for a table, I just caught sight of you and I was really really excited to see you."

A slight pause took over before Namjoon awkwardly giggled. "O-ohh I'm glad you saw me then."

Taehyung was definitely lying.

Nevertheless, Namjoon resumed reading his book and highlighting whatever he could see was 'maybe?' important because Taehyung's presence was damn good at making him lose concentration.

"I'm beyond elated to see you, Namjoon. I had so much to say and ask you," Taehyung continued babbling.

"Uh-huh," Namjoon hummed as he continued highlighting mindlessly.

"I was wondering if we could get coffee sometime? I know you're quite busy and all but we can work around your schedule! I'll make sure to-"


The librarian who looked a few short breaths away from dying, was glaring daggers at them from across the room while holding the call bell tightly.

Taehyung visibly straightened out, his ears a little red from embarrassment as the other students looked their way. Namjoon smirked in satisfaction and continued reading his book.

"Sorry!" Taehyung bowed slightly to others, and some responded by laughing a little and others shook their head albeit with a little smile on their faces.

Namjoon was aware of that since everyone was looking but he tried to not notice them.

A few minutes of silence passed by and Taehyung was just watching Namjoon study.

"You know... you can't really ask me for coffee," said Namjoon.

"Huh?" Taehyung looked clueless.

Namjoon pointed at the paper coffee cup that he was holding all this time. Taehyung's mouth forme a little 'o' before he looked at Namjoon.

"But maybe we can get some another time?" Taehyung whispered as he glanced at the old librarian.


Namjoon's stomach growled pretty loudly, his ears simultaneously growing redder as his stubborn tummy had to protest. Namjoon closed his eyes and his face contorted with extreme embarrassment.

Taehyung chuckled and stood up, grabbing Namjoon's arm.

"Come on, we'll get you some breakfast."

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