7 - Awkwardness or Tension?

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"One iced americano with two shots of espresso and one Spanish latte, please. Also, can I get one blueberry cheesecake and one cinnamon roll please?" Namjoon pointed at the menu above while talking to the barista.

The barista smiled at Namjoon and politely asked for his name, to which he obliged and the former then wrote his name on the paper cup. Namjoon took a good look at the barista, and he might just say that this one had a good style. The guy had long black wavy hair that framed his face, and random tattoos that might have looked all over the place but was actually perfectly curated inked on his arms. Namjoon caught a whiff of dark peonies from him.

He's kinda cute.

Namjoon thought. Maybe this café wasn't so bad after all. He might turn into a loyal patron because of their attractive employees. Namjoon lightly chuckled at his own thoughts.

Taehyung patted the barista's shoulder and whispered something in his ears, the latter nodding in reply. Namjoon was puzzled and he found Taehyung already standing by his side. "I'll get off work in 5 minutes so I'm going to change first, and you can have me by then," he winked at Namjoon cheekily.

Namjoon scrunched his face and waved his hands, "Go on and change then. I'm gonna head back to my seat."

As soon as Namjoon sat down in his seat, Hoseok was busy on his phone, quietly scrolling on his social media. He didn't bother asking Hoseok what he wanted since he already knew what the other always ordered when they go to cafés.

"Taehyung will be here soon. He's just changing right now," Namjoon said.

Hoseok grunted in response and he put his phone on the table. He pouted and looked at Namjoon. "You know, if I didn't come here, it would look like you guys are having a date. Imagine how awkward that would have been for you," Hoseok chuckled.

Namjoon shook his head and looked at Hoseok incredulously. "You jerk. We're just here to hang out together as friends, obviously. Just to get to know each other well."

Hoseok hummed in response. "I see. Well, I'm glad to know you've become friends with one of my friends. It's nice to know that you're opening your heart to them."

Namjoon scoffed and flicked Hoseok's forehead who was sitting across him. "This isn't me opening up yet. I just want coffee. Don't think of it too deeply.

"Hey, guys. I hope I didn't make you wait long," Taehyung marched toward their table, holding a tray of their orders. He set their coffees and pastries on the table. "I'm gonna put this back first."

"Okay, sure!" Namjoon giggled a bit and nodded before side-eyeing Hoseok.

Hoseok shrugged and sipped on his latte while staring at Namjoon. Taehyung returned and sat down, finally taking a drink from his cup.

Namjoon cleared his throat and stole a glance at Taehyung enjoying his own iced americano, strongly resembling a commercial model for a coffee ad. Except... the guy wasn't even drinking coffee. He's just drinking a caramel frappe. Namjoon couldn't be blamed, Taehyung looked like someone who enjoyed drinking coffee.

"So... this is kinda awkward," Namjoon grinned sheepishly. He's had so many situations like this before. Not even one of them was a good experience for Namjoon, and as much as possible, he would avoid getting into these types of situations because it's too overwhelming for him. It's unfun, it's overtly uncomfortable, and it's utterly making him miserable.

He looked at Hoseok for help, but the other was somehow not in the mood to talk so suddenly. Which made the atmosphere awkward. How come that Namjoon and Taehyung had a nicer interaction earlier, and why is Hoseok thrown into the mix, suddenly making this situation weirder, when it should have done the opposite?

Is this awkwardness or tension?

Namjoon was starting to regret his decision. Oh no. He shouldn't have agreed to meet Taehyung in the first place. He would have been rolled up like a burrito in his apartment, sleeping peacefully and with a full stomach from his earlier feast. But now, he did not know why Hoseok's being weird around them. Was it something he said?

"By the way, why are you here, hyung?" Taehyung interrogated.

"I wanted Namjoon's help with my presentation. How about you? When did you guys start having secret meetings behind my back?" He joked.

"Just this morning. I treated Namjoon to breakfast."

"Is that so?" Hoseok only hummed in response.

Taehyung turned to Namjoon, "So, are you guys gonna go home together later?" Taehyung used his paper straw to stir his drink.

"Depends, if Hoseok's in the mood to pass Sociology," he glared at Hoseok.

Hoseok shot his head up and replied, "I'm gonna do it on my own. Sorry for intruding on your little friendly date with Taehyung." He got up and left both of them. Namjoon called out to Hoseok, but the other only waved at them and went out of the café.

The other two only looked at each other in confusion, Namjoon only shrugged in an answer to Taehyung's puzzled reaction. He started to eat his cheesecake while Taehyung asked, "What was his deal?"

"I don't know. Don't look at me like that," he replied dismissively.

Taehyung was quiet for a bit as if contemplating something. "Is he like this often when you're around other guys or girls?"

Namjoon was more confused by Taehyung's question but didn't think anything of it. He paused for a moment to think of instances where Hoseok behaved like that, but he couldn't think of anything. "Not really. He hasn't acted like this before."

The taller noticed the grim look on the fox-eyed brunette's face. "Is something wrong?"

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts. "Uhm no, nothing's wrong," he smiled at Namjoon, taking a bite of the cinnamon roll.

"Taehyung, can I ask you something?"


Namjoon took a big sip from his coffee, "Can you really smell my scent?"

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