6 - Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

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It was a slow afternoon. Namjoon could faintly hear the brittle voice of his professor in the background. Namjoon's thoughts drifted away from the boring lecture, his mind wandering off somewhere. He glared in front of his professor and pretended to be listening when he was, in fact, lost in his thoughts.

His thoughts were entirely preoccupied with his 'rendezvous' with Taehyung later. If he had not given the other a chance, maybe he would've still been annoyed by him. But now, maybe the guy's not that bad. He was nice, generous, and attractive. Honestly, he was actually looking forward to meeting his new friend. Maybe he didn't have to let Taehyung be just another friend of Hoseok's. Maybe he can look past their initial encounter and just let himself feel Taehyung for now.

"That's all for today," Namjoon's professor said before gathering his things.

Namjoon snapped from his daydreaming and didn't even notice that his professor had already left the lecture hall. He took his bag and stood up, happily walking outside the door.

Somebody immediately leaped on him and trapped him in a bone-crushing hug. It took Namjoon a few seconds to figure out who the attacker was. His smile faltered a bit due to surprise, but his smile grew even bigger when he realized who it was.

"Hoseok! Hey, you scared me," Namjoon chuckled.

Hoseok stared at him, long and hard. "Aren't you happy to see me?" He pouted and nuzzled his neck.

"Hey, don't be too close. People are looking." Well, only a few pairs of eyes were not to busy to go to their next class (lucky them), but still. Namjoon hurried to the side to let other students pass and he looked at Hoseok. "I thought you have a class every Wednesday afternoon?"

"That's the thing. I did! But professor Hong canceled and I was relieved as hell because it was actually my turn to present today but I haven't actually... started working on my presentation yet," Hoseok laughed heartily, Namjoon was not entirely impressed at Hoseok's story.

He lightly hit Hoseok's arm. "You're lucky your professor canceled! What if he didn't? What will you do? You're the worst at lying and making alibis," Namjoon shook his head.

Hoseok laughed and put his arm around Namjoon's shoulder, "Joonie, calm down. That's why I have you. Can you help me now? I just wanna get started this afternoon."

Namjoon glared at him hard, and Hoseok only pouted in response. Well, but Taehyung and him already made plans. "Uhh... I... actually can't. I already made plans with someone. We can do it later tonight at my place though."

Hoseok stared at him in disbelief. It had been the first time that Namjoon refused to hang out with him. Usually, the latter would be elated to hang with him since that would mean that Hoseok has chosen him over his other friends. Not that Namjoon did not like Hoseok's friend group, he just felt like they were Hoseok's friends and not his.

So now, Hoseok was looking at him as if mushrooms grew on his face. Namjoon couldn't blame him, he never made plans with anyone besides his best friend. He would go back to his apartment to either study after class or stay in the library to read a book that he's currently obsessed with. This was not like him at all.

"With who?"

"Oh, uhh... with Taehyung. He offered to treat me to coffee," Namjoon shifted a bit.

"I see...," he laughed and patted Namjoon's shoulder, "Look at you, Joon. When did you guys become close?"

"We're not that yet. But we'll see. He's not that bad."

"Well, if you won't mind, should I join you guys as well? Three of us can hang out and I'll treat both of you," he cheerily said.

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck in hesitation. "Well..."

The bell chimed when Namjoon went inside the quaint and tiny café that Taehyung texted him. He looked around and there weren't a lot people as he has expected. Wow, the owner must be fond of plants. Almost every nook and cranny of the tiny place had been decorated with ornaments and little trinkets hanging either on the wall or the center of the tables. A huge Santa Claus statue that's nearly the height of Namjoon's waist was standing near the register as if it was guarding the customers who were lining up for their orders.

Namjoon and Hoseok only looked at each other and they were honestly overwhelmed by the place. Namjoon understood why only a few people were there. The lighting as well as the unaesthetic feel of the café might be a little too jarring for the normal person who wanted to feel relaxed. The owner must have an odd taste.

They situated themselves at a corner table near the entrance. Namjoon's eyes darted at every side of the room, looking for a certain tall brunette.

"Maybe he's just late," Namjoon muttered to himself, although Hoseok heard him.

"If he is, then I'm going to treat both of you. You're my dongsaengs after all." Hoseok was about to get up when a deep baritone voice called out Hoseok's best friend's name.

A tall figure hurrying to their table, wearing a wide boxy smile and a black apron. Namjoon waved at Taehyung. "You came!" He chirped and grinned at Namjoon, obviously making Hoseok feel ignored by the younger.

"Hey! I'm here too!" Hoseok pouted.

"Oh, hi hyung! Why are you here?" Taehyung was puzzled.

"He wanted to come with," Namjoon shrugged and looked at Taehyung, "You didn't mention that you work here."

"Well... it's supposed to be a surprise. Now I have to treat Hoseok-hyung too," he teased. "Anything you want is on the house."

Namjoon's eyes lit up, Hoseok shaking his head a bit. "Yah Joon, don't order too much. You don't want Taehyung to end up broke like you," he snickered. The other glared daggers at him, hitting his arm lightly before getting up and proceeding to the counter. Taehyung followed suit as Hoseok's gaze lingered at their backs.

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