on and off : pregnancy ?

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julie's p.o.v 

me  and luke had been on and off more than once , and i can't date anyone accept for him , that guy nick would ask me always on dates and all i'd say is 'sorry nick but i already have a boyfriend that i love the most and i can't cheat on him ' , i hate it not being allowed to date anyone , i mean why only luke , is he obsessed over me or what ? because i do , wait what ... any ways i was bored and horny as fuck , i wore a black mini jacket with nothing under it and some waist shorts and vans , 

i took my keys and left to my Mclaren  and started the car , i was about to go when my phone rang and it was luke , i immediately answered . " hello " i said  as a smile was on my face " no time for hellos am so horny come pls " he said " okay omw " i said i hang up and drove to his house as fast as i can , as soon as i got there he pulled me in and started kissing me hungrily ..

the next thing i know we were on his bed , him thrusting in and out of me , and me moaning and screaming out loud .

Few weeks later ...

i've been puking for like five weeks and having craving on the most disgusting and weirdest things and i would throw up on the mention of fish , now that i mentioned it i ran out of the classroom to the bathroom , hearing my name from mrs Armstrong , as soon as i arived to the bathroom , i started to throw up and cry on the toilet then i felt of someone holding my hair up .

i looked up to see luke , when i finished , i flushed the toilet and washed my face as i started to cry while pacing back and forth '  Am i pregnant ? no no no it can't be true , Am sure am not , if i am then im gonna kill myself , im not pregnant ' then i remembered the sticky notes on my locker. 

 HOE - BITCH - WHORE - OOL - SLUT - FUCK U ......  all these were in caps and more , i started to think so low of my self , suddenly i broke down then screamed my lungs out , probably the whole school heard me ,i saw luke running towards me , i saw three of him , then all that i could see was black .

Luke's p.o.v

i was walking towards her calling her she just fall to the ground , i took her , too hard to see her laying on the ground lifeless , i can't lose her , she was the love of my life , i took her out to the nearest hospital waiting for the dr to come out , i was siting worried as fuck , that's when i saw the dr come out of the room with a smile , " h- how's she ?" i asked stuttering , " she''s okay and congrats " the dr said , i looked at her with a raised brow , confused .

she seemed to understand me so she replied quickly " she's pregnant , and let me tell you , little amount of people on the age of 18 - 20 found out that they're going to be parents here , most of them are boyfriend and girlfriend , most of them are engaged and a few of them married , you have no idea how happy i get when i see them all happy , but most of them would find out when they get a miscarriage , they'd make me cry of sadness , take this an advice from a mother who have 4 kids , " she looked at her hand then looked at me "do not consider her pregnancy as a threat to your relationship - " she said as a tear slipped down her cheek , she was quick to wipe it then smiled " but rather a gift from god , it is a bond that'll unite your relationship , love her take care of her and your daughter , i know that deep from her heart she loves u" she then took out a pic and gave it to me .

i smiled at her "thank you " i said , she nodded and excused herself , i looked at the picture and it was an ultrasound , i smiled at the thought that im gonna be a dad to a beautiful girl , a tear slipped down my face and a giggle slipped out of my mouth , my world was full of happiness , i walked to the room and julie was laying looking at the ceiling , i walked to her and smiled , she quickly looked at me ." luke .. " she said , a tear slipped down her cheek " i love you " she said .i smiled at her and kissed her a passionate kiss " i love you too , both of you " i said as i putted my hand on her belly .

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