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Lexie walked into the garage as she saw Freddie as he sat eating a bacon sandwich. She walked over to him and smiled as she sat next to him

"haven't you got cars to fix or anything" she asked as he rolled his eyes

"haven't you got a shift, or Alexa to bug" he asked as she looked to him and smirked

"why when you are just so easy to wind out besides I love how angry I drive you" she said as she sat on his lap. He wrapped an arm around her and smirked as he leant in and kissed her

"I know what you did" Lexie said as she pulled away and walked off. Freddie looked after her for a moment as he walked after her and grabbed her by the waist

"what do you mean" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"oh no you are interested one, I know what you did and how you sold your dads watch who's do you think your family would react if they knew the truth" Lexie said "you'd actually do that to me" he asked as she looked to him and smirked

"well you have to make it worth my while, just what is my silence worth" she said as she walked off. Freddie looked after her and groaned.

He knew he loved Lexie but she knew if she was reared she would tell his mum and it wouldn't end well. He knew he had to keep her sweet

Lexie got to the club and walked inside as she saw Alexa who looked to her and rolled her eyes at Lexie

"are you winding Freddie up again" Alexa asked

"he loves it, he loves the thrill of it. And he knows I have a lot on him" Lexie said as Alexa looked to her and rolled her eyes

"and I thought warren and I were bad for winding each other up, nothing on you and Freddie just don't become your mother and lush me to far" Alexa said as Lexie nodded

"I know, can you cover my shift. I need to go and see him"

"sure, you owe me one" Alexa said as Lexie walked off. Lexie walked through the village trying to find Freddie and frowned as she saw Freddie as he stood talking with Lindsay.

She looked as Lindsay placed her hand on his arm and felt her blood boil. Lexie knew she hated Lindsay and she knew Lindsay was with Joe but she always felt as if Lindsay had a thing for Freddie and Lexie knew she wasn't going to sit back and let them get away with it. Not if they had something going on.

Lexie and Freddie made eye contact as she walked off, not wanting to have this argument right now

Lexie sat in Freddie bedroom and looked as Freddie walked in. He locked the door and looked to her

"are you sleeping with her, is that why your not paying me any attention" she asked as he looked to her and sighed

"I swear I am not, growing has been creepy with her at work and I was trying to get her to do the right thing, I only want you even if you are a pain" Freddie said as Lexie stood up and he walked towards her and smirked

"good" Lexie said as she grabbed him and kissed him. He grabbed her waist and back her onto the bed as they started to undress as they kissed passionately

Lexie moaned as he got between her legs as she felt his tongue enter her. She arched her back towards him and moaned as he pleasures her.

Lexie moaned as he pulled away and smirked as he pulled her close and pushed into her, she dug her nails into his back unaware of how everything was going to change

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