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Lexie couldn't sleep. All that she could see was browning body as she closed her eyes. Lexie looked to see Freddie as he lay asleep. Lexie looked to him and smiled

She knew how hard that things were and she knew how he was there for her lately. Freddie knew how Lexie wasn't coping and Lexie didn't know how to move on. Lexie knew how she had killed someone and how someone was dead because of her and die hated that feeling

Lexie walked down into the kitchen as she made herself a hot chocolate. She knew that she just wanted to sleep and try and cope with what had happened but she knew how it wasn't easy

Lexie jumped as she heard someone behind her and turned to see mercy. Mercy was worried over her daughter. She knew how she never saw browning for who he was. For what he was Capable of and she knew that of Lexie hadn't come to her rescue she would be dead

"Are you okay?" Mercy asked as Lexie smiled

"No. I'm not. It's a mess. I can't sleep I can't stop seeing him" Lexie said as mercy smiled

"I know how you feel. I feel like i made you into a killer but Paul browning got what he deserved and you can't let him get to you. He is where he belongs. He is dead and I don't want him to ruin your life. You don't deserve this. You deserve to be happy and I don't want h to ruin your life anymore" mercy said

"I can't sleep i see him and I hate it. I hate that he made me into a killer but your my mum and I know I would do it again" Lexie said as mercy pulled her into a hug

Lexie stood in the club and smiled as Alexa walked in and walked over to her

"Your mum wants me to keep an eye on you. She said that you weren't coping that well" Alexa said as Lexie smiled as she walked over and stood next to her

"I don't know what it is. I just feel so sick when I think over what happened I mean I am a McQueen I have done thongs in the past but killing some w. Even someone like him it's not something I thought I'd do. Freddie has been trying to be supportive but it's not easy and I know if I had to I wound do it again" Lexie said as Alexa looked to her and smiled

Lexie got to the roscoe house as she walked into the room as she saw Freddie as he sat in bed and smiled

"Are you okay" he asked as she smirked

"I'm good. But I need a distraction" she said as he pulled her to him and kissed her. She straddled him and moaned into the kiss as he rolled over so that he was on top of her

He got between her legs as they kissed passionately. They stripped off as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her

Lexie pulled him close and moaned into the kiss unaware of how max her mental health was about to be affected

McQueen and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now