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Lexie woke up in bed alone and frowned. Freddie wasn't there. She was worried over Freddie since growing had turned up and demanded money from the roscoes.

Lexie didn't like him or trust him. He made her skin crawl as much as Freddie drove her mad she knew that she loved him and she would do anything for him. Lexie sighed as she got dressed and walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw sandy

"here you go love, I made you bacon" sandy said as Lexie smiled "thanks" lexie said as she walked over and sat next to Freddie

"I want to talk to you over the colour scheme for your room" sandy said as she looked to Freddie and to sandy

"our room? I'm not living here"

"you pretty much are, I men your here every night and your family" sandy said as Lexie smiled. She loved sandy like a mum and it made realise the mess that her mum had caused her.

"What do you think? Do you think that you can live with Lindsay? Freddie asked as he took a hold of her hand. Lexie looked to him and smiled

"are you asking me to move in?"

"Yeah I am" he said as she looked to him and smirked.

"Well you need to sort out the mess that is caused with my future father in law first" Lexie said as she leant in and kissed him

Lexie got to the McQueen house and saw Mercedes "I need you to talk to Paul, he is off his mind. Freddie could loose all he Has because of it. He saved his brother and your fiancée is trying to scam him" Lexie said as Mercedes looked to her and sighed

"I don't control Paul"

"I know that mum would you can persuade him the same way I persuade Freddie, this is their fresh start, they took over the garage when their dad died and it could ruin them. Family is important to us and to them. Just please try and talk to him" Lexie asked as Mercedes smiled

"Thank you I know you want the money for the wedding but you don't need it, they do" Lexie said as Mercedes looked to her and smiled

Lexie got to the garage as she saw Freddie and joe who were arguing "do you two ever stop?"

"Can you not help Lexie, I mean your mother is marrying the guy" joe asked

"don't involve her in this" Freddie said

"shut up, I have already talked to my mum over it. She's going to see if he will back down, it's fine and she knows that" Lexie said as Freddie looked to her and frowned

"you did what, that will make it worse" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"I was trying to help" she said as he rolled her eyes

"it's my mess" Freddie said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"don't you think I know that, you should of got insurance and you messed up but I am trying to help, why are you causing an argument" Lexie asked

"because I'm meant to sort it" Freddie said

"your an idiot" Lexie said as she walked off. Lexie knew he was avoiding her that much that she couldn't even look at him

Lexie walked into the McQueen house and lay on the sofa and sighed as she saw Alexa

"what happened?" Alexa asked

"my boyfriend is a dick, I was trying to help but he's being stubborn and big headed over it" Lexie said as Alexa looked to her and smiled

"that's men, they're proud. They always are like that. Just sort it out with him, as much as it annoys me I like it better when you are screwing like there's no tomorrow" Alexa said as Lexie looked to her and rolled her eyes

"says you and warren, Freddie and I will be fine when he realises I'm right" Lexie said as Alexa chuckled.

But little did Lexie know how it was about to get worse because of Paul browning

McQueen and the bad boy *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now