Chapter 2

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POV: Amity

"Bye Luz!" I beamed as we parted ways. I watched, slightly flustered, as she walked away, holding the stem of the flower she gave me tightly. I adjusted my school bag as I walked up the long drive way of the Blight Manor. Hopefully, if I manage to get upstairs quick enough, I can put the flower in a safe place before my parents ask about it.

My stomach dropped when I realized how close to my house I had gotten. I didn't want to see them right now. I was in a good mood, a really good mood. I thought about just climbing up the ladder to my room, but if I don't come through the front door, they'll kill me.

I put my house key in the door and turned the lock, stepping inside. I wiped my feet on the doormat before putting my shoes in a small cubby near the door. I still don't think we necessarily need it. I started to walk upstairs, slightly relieved, when I heard someone call my name. My mom.

"Coming mother!" I yelled back at her, but not too loud. I placed the flower in my pocket as I walked back down the stairs into the kitchen where she stood, making dinner, "You wanted to see me?"

"Welcome home, Amity." She didn't even look at me as she stirred something up in a tin bowl, making her words seem untruthful, "I heard you got a test grade back today, what did you get?"

"I got a um..." I paused, debating whether I should go through my backpack to find the test paper or not.

"Don't stutter dear, no one will want to listen to a witch who stutters. Now what grade did you get?"

"A+, like always mother."

"Good." She turned around, placing the spoon next to the bowl, "You are telling the truth right?"

"Yes, and if you'd like, I'll show you." I placed my bag on a chair and started to dig through my things, looking for the test. Just as I grabbed it, she leaned down and picked something up. My stomach dropped as I caught a glimpse of the pink and orange flower in her hand.

"What is this?" I placed my test on the table as I closed my bag, my face heating up.

"Just a flower. I found it on the way here and thought it was pretty."

"Then why is your face red? Is it because it's from a boy?" I internally laughed a bit as my face regained it's normal color, "You know, that Mattholomule boy seems to be in your league."

"How did you know?" I lied as she gave me the flower back.

"Well as long as he doesn't distract you from your studies, I'll allow it. I will also not allow you to drag his grades down. I would also greatly appreciate you two only holding hands for the time being, you are only sixteen you know." She kept a serious tone before she turned back to what she was preparing. I let out a soft sigh before quickly going up the stairs. As I walked past Emira's room, I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulder's, causing me to jump slightly.

"I'm surprised mom believed that." Edric said to me with a devilish smirk, making me roll my eyes.

"Well it worked and that's all that matters."

"HoW dId yOu KnOw!" He began to laugh as he mimicked me, "Come on Mittens, you need to start coming up with better excuses."

"Stop calling me that." I turned away from him as I walked back to my room, he laughed as I did so. He can be so annoying sometimes. I then closed my door behind me, put my bag neatly next to my desk, and walked to the bathroom. I grabbed a thin cup and filled it with water before placing the delicate flower inside, making me smile. Perfect. I put it on my desk as I began to do my homework.

After about thirty minutes, my mind started to travel off topic and I began to sketch on a nearby empty piece of paper. I smiled as I drew every feature of Luz from memory, making an almost perfect, realistic drawing of her. I usually struggle with drawing people, and art in general, but I find drawing her easy. I doubt it's because I stare at her whenever I get the chance, whether it's a penstagram post, in class, or when we're together. I realized I should probably start getting back to work when I heard a knock on my door. My parents had already left, so it was probably one of my siblings.

"Come in." I said loud enough for whoever was on the other side of the door to hear. I looked behind me as Emira opened the door. She was no longer in her school attire and it seemed to be she was going to a party. She had a dark red dress that went to about her knee's, with a leather jacket, "Where are you going?" I asked her as she walked towards my window.

"To see Viney..." She paused when she noticed the flower on my desk, "What's that?"

"Um... it's just a flower I found on the way home." I looked down at my work as my face went red.

"Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I borrowed it?" She smirked at me, identical to Edric's earlier. Before she could do anything else, I snatched the flower from it's glass cup and held it away from her, causing my papers to fall onto the floor. One of those paper's being the picture I drew of Luz. I froze, "Aw, is the flower from your girlfriend?"

"No. Now go see your actual girlfriend and leave me alone." I started to pick up my paper's from the floor, when Emira grabbed the flower from my hand. I stood up, trying to get it from her, but her height made it almost impossible, "Give it back!"

"Come on Mittens, lighten up!" She laughed, causing anger to start to boil up inside me, "What's the worst that could happen?" I then, without thinking, pushed her into the wall. She rolled her eyes as she placed the flower in her hair and started walking towards the window again, "You're so overdramatic."

"Emira, I'm serious! Give me back that flower!" I tried to grab it from her, but before I could get to it, she took it out of her hair and opened the window, throwing the delicate flower outside. I screeched as I tried to reach for it, but the wind made it fly towards the woods. She laughed a bit as I turned around to face her, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I screamed, "Get out!"

"Fine." She rolled her eyes before pushing my head so I'd move out of the way, "you're no fun to bully anymore..." was all she said before going out my window. After glaring at the window for a while, I picked up my papers and laid on my bed, putting my face into one of my pillows. Everytime I get even a little closer to Luz, something ruins it. I breathed into my pillow a few times before looking to my bed stand.

There laid a small knife, waiting for me. I told myself I needed to stop the habit, but I felt like it was calling for me. I hated how I let myself use it over small things like this. It was as if I needed to do it or I couldn't go on. I hesitantly stood up as I grabbed the knife and went into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me as I closed my eyes to prepare for the pain.

I bit my tongue as I slid the knife across my upper arm. After I finished cutting though, I opened my eyes and laughed. I never liked the feeling of doing it, but the sensation of the blood trickling down my arm mixed with the relief made it worth my time.

I kept going and before I knew it, I had about ten bloody scratches on my arms. Almost an hour had passed and I figured I should get cleaned up and finish my homework, so I washed the blood from my arms and sat at my desk, before quickly falling into boredom.

Maybe I could get Luz to do homework with me... I quickly called her since Eda finally bought her a scroll but didn't get an answer. I tried calling again, but no response. Strange... she usually always picked up her calls. Worry set in so I decided that I should probably just bring my stuff to the owl house and meet her there.

I put my things into my school bag and went out the window, quickly walking into the woods. My eyes quickly adjusted to the lack of light, which made the walk more relaxing.

That is until I started to hear strange noises coming from ahead of me. I slowed down a little bit, but continued to walk forward. The sound sounded like a sucking noise, but not quite that. I picked up my pace again as the wind blew. Then the noise stopped, so I froze. When the noise started up again, I decided I needed to see what it was. It's not like if it killed me many people would care.

I pushed a few bushes out of the way when I saw a dead creature in someone's hands, making me freeze. I gasped, causing the witch to look up, except it wasn't a witch.


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