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——As summer vacation came to an end, it meant that a new school year was about to start

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——As summer vacation came to an end, it meant that a new school year was about to start. Like any normal teenager, y/n didn't enjoy school very much, and would rather just lay in bed all day to watch anime.

"やれやれ (yare yare), I can't believe I woke up at 6:30 just to memorize useless information at a place called school." Y/n muttered to herself.

After the race at S, things seemed to calm down a bit, with y/n and Miya mostly hanging out all around the neighbourhood. Adam also came by y/n's apartment multiple times to check up on her, under y/n's father's orders.

Y/n quickly made herself a bowl of cereal, where she poured the CEREAL FIRST, then the milk, so the milk would create minimum splash.

"People who pour milk first are psychopaths..." y/n thought as she crunched into her ring-shaped cereal.

Glancing at the clock in her dining room, it displayed 6:40. She had to meet up with Miya in front of her apartment building by 6:50.

"Shit! I only have 10 minutes and I haven't brushed my teeth, changed into my uniform, or fix my appearance yet!" The teen shouted, not wanting to be late for her first day of school.

She ran into her bathroom and throughly brushed her teeth, then proceeding to sprint into her bedroom to change into her uniform which resembled a sailor.

The time read 6:47, leaving y/n 3 minutes to fix her hair and make up.

"It usually takes me like 5 minutes to get the eyeliner right! I better do it first try today."

It took her 2 tries. And now she was 2 minutes late. Y/n quickly ran outside of her apartment before locking it up, then proceeded to run down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

"It's about time you got here, slowpoke."

Y/n's eyes were immediately met with Miya's bright jade-like eyes. They were glimmering under the sunshine.

"Sorry, I messed up my eyeliner and I had to fix it..." y/n sighed.

"I don't get why you're so focused on your looks, you look fine. Anyways, let's skate to school before we're late."

"Mhm, let's go!"

"Mhm, let's go!"

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