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 ——— The night that Reki Kyan and y/n l/n feared had arrived

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——— The night that Reki Kyan and y/n l/n feared had arrived. The beef between Adam, and Langa. After the both of them experiencing Adam's abnormal and dangerous way of skating first hand, they were extremely nervous for him. Maybe even more nervous than Langa himself.

Although Langa never really appeared to be worried for anything. He's just different like that.

His ear-length pastel blue hair was flowing in the wind, as he approached the starting line. Langa stood there a bit, and fiddled with his fingers.

Classic Langa behaviour.

And suddenly, a red carpet rolled out of nowhere, and Adam was skating on it.

"Why would you need such a dramatic entrance? Like ok, yay congrats. You're here. Woop woop. Get over yourself." Y/n thought to herself.

Everyone around them started cheering for Adam's arrival.

He was once again, in his ridiculously flashy outfit, his hair styled completely different from his businessman attire. Y/n wondered if they were actually two separate people. His Ainosuke persona, and his Adam persona.

The slender-like man was holding an enormous bouquet of red roses. So much that petals were literally falling out and creating a flower trail.

"Here you go, Snow. It's a gift from me to you. A symbol of true love." Adam smiled at Langa as he handed the teenage boy the excessively large bouquet.

Langa looked extremely weirded out, heck, any normal person would. Y/n looked beside her, where Miya was standing with Reki. They were both cringing at Adam's odd behaviour.

"You're just going to accept it?!" Reki cried out, while Langa just held on to the bouquet.

"Well, it would be rude to not to." Langa said monotonously.

"Who cares what Adam thinks?" Miya murmured quietly enough for only y/n to hear.

"Miya, you're such a savage." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully at him.

"Ah, of course. I can't forget about my dear Neon. I apologize for having to perform the Love Hug on you. Here's a white rose for you." He handed the flower to her.

Y/n looked at the flower, and she noticed there was a tag attached to the stem. Looking at the front of the tag, it read:

White roses symbolize innocence and purity.

"Why did Adam want to give me something like this?" Y/n thought.

She turned the tag over, and it was a handwritten message, probably from Adam himself.

"Don't let yourself become tainted by the discord of your world."

"There he goes again, writing like he's some kind of fancy poet." She remarked.

𝙉𝙀𝙊𝙉 𝙉𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏𝙎 ! (𝙈𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝘾. 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now