1 - The Black Worm

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The feeling of a light thud in the spaceship coursed throughout the spaceship.

Socks had just landed from a 2 month trip from earth onto this unknown planet, temporarily being named Xronic (Z-ron-ic) until further information has been collected.

He stepped off the ship and was immediately blinded by a blizzard. He was looking around to see if there was any signs of life, since that was his main goal.

There was life, not much of it though.

He spotted a bright white plant in a tree-like form. The branches from them were growing downward, just like a willow tree, along with smaller branches growing out of the bigger ones. There were even these fruits hanging from each and every large branch.

Socks wanted to get at least one the fruits to bring it back to earth as a sample, but walking up to it he realized the only problem was that this was a big plant, and the branches were about 15 to 20 feet higher than him.

His only solution? Climb the tree.

It had a rough texture and could easily be gripped onto. It was almost like a ladder in a way.

The plant didn't have any leaves, so as he got to the middle, he saw that all of the branches were sprouting out of one place, which was from the trunk.

In the tangled pile of branches was a bird-like creature, it had a white beak and a singular eye, along with no feathers, just skin. It was one of those animals that looked so ugly to the point it was cute.

Socks remembered he was order to leave any unknown creature alone whether it seemed harmless or not, so he left it by itself.

He was at the top of the ginormous plant and on a pile of tangled branches. He looked around and realized there was more than just this one tree. He could see the silhouettes of trees in the blizzard.

While he was busy looking at the distant trees, he suddenly remembered he had to collect the fruit from this plant, but he had to figure out how without falling 20 feet onto the ground.

Luckily, there was a bit less gravity here than on earth, so it would be safe to land on his legs and not die.

Sock slowly shuffled towards the edge of the dangling branches.

His plan was to immediately grabbed the fruit once he started to slide off, hold on to the fruit for dear life, then attempt to fall on his legs and not plummet to his death.

It took him at least a couple of minutes to crawl another foot further, when he suddenly realized the branches were not supporting his weight since he was on the edge. Socks decided to stand up slowly, enough to where it wouldn't disturb the branches holding him.

Socks jumped across to the edge of the fruit his eyes were locked on. He quickly grabbed the fruit in his hands.

Turns out he miscalculated the jump.

Once he grabbed the fruit, it immediately broke off by its stem.

That was the moment he realized he was flying towards the ground.

Good thing he landed in the snow, turns out it was deeper than expected since it was easy to walk on without it collapsing.

He laid there for a few moments, feeling dizzy, but at least he had the fruit.

Socks laid there for another good minute before sitting up and inspecting the fruit.

The shape looked similar to a pear's, but it was slightly curved into a C shape.

(Discontinued) Black Worm AU / Sock Crew AU (Blazafor1)Where stories live. Discover now