6 - Fireworks

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Blaza woke up in his bed once again, but unlike the other times, Socks wasn't in the bed with him. He felt too brain-dead to get out of the bed at first, but after some consideration on where Socks could be, he gradually got out of bed.

He heard voices talking across the hall. It sounded like Laff and Socks, but Socks sounded.. different.

"Hey guys, discussing something?" Blaza asked, walking up to them.

"Oh yeah, we didn't want to wake you yet but we got a ca-" Socks cut himself off at the sight of Blaza's panicked face.

"Blaza? Is something wrong?"

"Socks, did your balls drop?"


After Blaza recovered from the shock of Socks' sudden deep voice, the three sat down on the couch to give him a proper explanation.

"Alright, as I was saying, Meme gave us a call, apparently he can help us navigate whatever this alien is," Socks briefly paused "but he needs Laff's help, too. If anything, he has the most knowledge about this kind of stuff out of the whole gang."

"That still doesn't explain the voice drop."

"Did you even hear what I just said? If anything it's the worm's fault my voice is like this, c'mon, there no other explanation."

"Yeah but-"

"BOYS!!" Laff cut Blaza off, "Socks' voice is the least of our concerns right now, but instead do what Meme instructed me to do." He says getting up from the couch.

Blaza feels Socks immediately tense up. He doesn't question it at first, but seeing Laff carry a needle explained the entire story to him.

"Laff, please, why can't you just do it on your own tentacles?" Socks sounded desperate.

"Because, that'd hurt , obviously! Plus, you are the first of your kind, meaning you'd contain the most information."

Socks tensed up even more, you could practically feel his stress from a mile away.

He was squeezing Blaza's hand unnaturally tightly, "Blaza please, I really don't want to do this. Can't we just do this another time?"

"The sooner the better, Socks." Was all that he responded with.

Socks never responded after that because he knew it was true.

"It'll only be a little pinch. Oh, and Blaza, I suggest put your hand over his mouth so he won't scream."

Blaza put his hand over Socks' mouth, slipping his own hand inside his hoodie incase Socks' bit him.

The moment Laff punctured Socks' tentacle you could tell he immediately regretted it. Socks' screeched into Blaza's hand while his tentacles waved around wildly, the needle still stuck inside.

"SOCKS-" Blaza tried shouting at him, but it only lead to a tentacle slap in the face.

After finally calming Socks down with a plate and covering his eyes with a blindfold, Laff was finally able to extract the black fluid from his tentacles, the only casualty being Blaza's bright red slap mark on the left side of his face.

"Alright then boys, I'll give the samples to Meme, just don't kill each other while I'm gone." Laff half-jokingly said to Socks and a visibly pissed off banana man.


(It's just going to be fluff from here on because I'm out of ideas yyayyyy)

Socks felt bad for accidentally slapping Blaza in the face, and he wanted to make up for it.

"Hey Blaza?"

"Yeah?" Blaza responded in a annoyed tone. It was obvious he was upset at Socks.

"You uh, wanna go out?"

"Like on a date?"

Socks fumbled with his words a bit, "UH-m n-no, I-uh, meant like go out somewhere, like to hang out, I'm just really sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean it and I feel really bad about it, so maybe going out would make you feel better?"

"Well, a week ago Tbh told me about some firework show happening on Friday, and it's Friday today soo.."

"Yeah.. fireworks are fun 'n all but they kind of scare me, like those loud pops and everything, it just makes feel uneasy y'know? What if I threw up again like I did at Five Guys?"

"C'mon Socks, a couple of fireworks aren't gonna kill ya, besides, if anything goes wrong, I'll be there with you."

Blaza's reassurance was just barely enough to convince Socks see to the fireworks that night with him.


10:37 AM

It was nearly pitch black while Blaza drove through the streets. Socks sat in the front seat semi-nervous. They were both tired, but still wanted to watch the firework show despite their exhaustion.

They arrived at their destination, seeming to be large, grassy field that had some small hills on it, too. They found a wide open spot around the middle of the field, also where a hill was placed.

The minutes waiting for the show to start felt like hours, all they could do was talk during those "hours".

It was all silent and calm until there was a large pop in the sky, practically shaking Socks and Blaza's insides, along with several other pops that shook Socks' chest even harder than the first one.

"Hey, the fireworks started!" Blaza exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face. It made Socks feel warm on the inside compared to the freezing night air.

Despite his small moment of joy, that didn't stop the thudding of the fireworks. It felt like his heart was about to explode, and he definitely wasn't having it. Blaza could tell, too, he was practically shaking his life away.

Blaza really didn't know how to calm him down. His solution? Lean on him, yep, what a genius. He started to rest his head on Socks' shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, and it seemed to work considering his tentacles started crawling around his arms, wrapping around it like a vine.

Socks didn't know how to react. He barely knew what this feeling was, but he know he liked it. Unconsciously, he placed his hand on top on Blaza's while placing his head on top of his. It wasn't until a few moments later that Blaza noticed.

He had no reaction, in which Socks was relieved but a slight part of him was disappointed, yet he didn't know why.

They stayed like that for the entire show, enjoying the reassurance of each other. To Socks, the explosions felt like they were never there with Blaza around.


The show was finally ending. A barrage or fireworks set of at the end, and then silence. Applause filled the crowd and died off as everyone started leaving.

The two stood up and started stretching after sitting down for a good 10 minutes.

"C'mon Blaza, let's go back to your place."

The last thing Blaza could remember after that was both of them walking along the field and him passing out in the car.


1085 words, gross


But hey YY I'm back I think ggggg hhH gvg gg  I'm still so soryryr aa even tho the chapter is shorter :(((( I was sick while writing this so it took 5 days instead of 2

(Discontinued) Black Worm AU / Sock Crew AU (Blazafor1)Where stories live. Discover now