5- Remembering

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(Nadwe's Story POV)

Nadwe gradually gained back his consciousness, almost forgetting about what happened last night, which shook him wide awake.

He got ready like it was a school day, except with much more anxiety than usual. He rushed downstairs to see Oof, Woolf, and Dino waiting for him.

Woolf spoke up.

"Finally, you're awake. Hurry up and eat and get your shoes on, we're going to Meme's."


"Remember to tell him everything Nadwe, Oof explained to Nadwe, " we can't leave anything out for something as serious as this."

He was nervous, but it had to be done.

Woolf rung to doorbell and almost immediately, Meme opened the door as if he was expecting them. He looked like he just woke up, too.

"Hey guys, what are you all doing here?" Meme asked the gang

"We have something important to discuss with you, it's bad. Like REALLY bad." Woolf answered.

Meme looked over at the visibly distraught Nadwe and said, "Meet me in my lab."


"So, what are we discussing?" Meme started off.

Nadwe glanced back at Woolf.

"Don't be scared Nadwe, tell him." Woolf said attempting to reassure the child.

He started explaining everything, every detail. Nadwe mentioned every little crevice of information he could remember. There was so much to the point where Meme had a hard time believing him.

"Nadwe, can I ask you something? Have you been under the influence of any drugs or taken any new medication of some sort?"

"WHA-OF COURSE NOT, I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES!" Nadwe snapped back at Meme."

"Eyes don't always tell the truth, Nadwe."

"MEME PLEASE! I-I WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED, I WAS THERE WHEN LAFF TURNED!" Nadwe was practically sobbing at this point. Meme sighed.

"Is there any way we could possibly contact Laff? We could get confirmation from him, and I can't stress this enough," Meme was hesitant, "we could ask him to send a sample of those black tentacles you were talking about and maybe we could work something out."

Woolf, handed Meme his phone.


Blaza woke up warm, but not in a hot, sweaty, uncomfortable way. It was comforting, like he never wanted to leave. He'd never remembered how it felt to sleep this way while sleeping since he was a child.

Until he realized who he was laying on.

He immediately sat up, staring at Socks who was sleeping while sitting in his lap. He was worried that he had woke him up when he saw him moving around a bit.

Socks opened his eyes in a way that was barely visible, but you could tell he was awake when he put his arm over his face.

"Oh, hey Blaza." Socks greeted him in a raspy voice. Blaza had obviously woke him up by accident.

Blaza had fumbled with his words a bit, "Oh-uh, hey Socks! Sorry if I woke you up, you can go back to sleep if you wan-" Blaza cut himself off at the thought of what time it was.

He patted around blindly for his phone on the coffee table in front of him. Once he felt it, he picked it up and looked at the time, it was 12:07 PM.

(Discontinued) Black Worm AU / Sock Crew AU (Blazafor1)Where stories live. Discover now