4 - Protection

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"Socks, you haven't even been here for a day and somehow attack someone because you FELT LIKE IT? If anyone finds out about this imagine how dangerous they would see you as."

It was 6 AM with the sunlight barely creeping through the windows. Both Socks and Blaza were sitting at the kitchen island.

Socks genuinely felt terrible for what he did, but at the same time it wasn't his fault. This feeling was like a fisher reeling a fish onto his dock, and the fish could never break free.

"Well it's not like people will see it that way if they never know."

"Well it's not like it's gonna be a secret forever Socks, besides, even Laff knows now. Do you really think he's gonna help us after what you just did?"

Blaza was still genuinely pissed at Socks, even though he knows he can't control it.

"What happened to Laff?" Blaza said with a stern voice, glaring at Socks.

"Well-uh, I bit him?"

"We know that dumbass. What did the bite do to him? If this 'calling' lead you to him then there must be must be some connection."

"Well, maybe I do have the ability to infect others?"

Blaza suddenly flashed back to the dream he had last night.

"O-um, speaking of infection, I may or may not have had a dream last night about that.. it was about me asking you.. to bite me on the neck to infect me for whatever reason."

Blaza felt like a complete idiot. It was that situation where being in a dream feels so serious, yet explaining it sounded like you were trying to explain the entire FNAF lore.

He was an absolute blushing mess, burying his face in his hands out of embarrassment while Socks was just staring at him also with a light tint of pink on his cheeks, with innocent, black eyes. Both pupils were an exclamation mark, the left one being pink and the right one being yellow.

"Blaza I-"

Socks was suddenly cut off by loud pounding at the door. Blaza looked at Socks with concern and immediately got up to go answer it. The moment his hand made contact with the doorknob Socks proceeded to internally panic.

The moment Blaza opened the door, Laff barged in.

"Blaza! Have you seen-" Laff cut himself off at the sight of Socks.


He instantly lunged at Socks, tumbling over him.


Socks and Laff were sitting on opposite sides of the couch in front of the TV. Socks was holding on Blaza as if he were a teddy bear. Both of the tentacles from his lower back were wrapped around Blaza's waist while his upper tentacles were free incase he needed to get aggressive.

"You know you can let go of me right? I'm pretty sure Laff isn't a threat here."

"He's dangerous, Blaza."

"And you're not?"

Socks looked away in shame, yet Blaza could still feel the very obvious tension between him and the gas man in the air.

"We're both dangerous here, mate. There's nothing that can be done unless I do some sort of research about it."

Socks looked back down at Blaza. Blaza looked back up at him.

"It's true, Socks." Blaza said to him.

"If you don't mind, can you give me some information on each other? It seems like you two have just never been this attached before. The position you're in just kind of explains it, too."

(Discontinued) Black Worm AU / Sock Crew AU (Blazafor1)Where stories live. Discover now