2 - "Socks?"

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At this point Socks was panicking, he didn't know how to hide these tentacles, but if he didn't board the ship in the next 4 hours then it would leave without him, but it could've been worse.

Maybe he could've stayed on this planet, but he wasn't giving up the effort he made while trying to get back, along with his friends back on earth.

Besides, he had a full 2 months to learn how to hide these things.

The first thing he thought about was the food, it had been a month and he hadn't eaten, so the people he worked with would get suspicious.

His decision was to throw some of it out, but have enough to live through the trip back.

It would've taken a couple of hours if he didn't have the tentacles to help him since they seemed to operate with him just fine, instead it took about 1 hour at most.

Socks looked back at the planet that was plastered with snow and some life, sighed once, and boarded the ship.


Socks always had this book with him, just to keep certain information in incase he ever needed it. Sure he had a computer inside the ship to keep track of the life with notes, but this book was for more personal instances.

He didn't exactly call it a diary though, just an information book.

He looked through the parts where he wrote notes since the ship took off, at least the more important ones, and also started writing some new ones.


Notes before the landing:

Day one on the ship - I'm feeling a bit uneasy about this trip, yes, that is usually how it is, but at the same time I just feel like I shouldn't go, like I'm getting into something I shouldn't, but I know in reality I'll be fine.

Day 30 - I'm starting to see the planet, it seems to have an extremely snowy-white coating, it looks freezing there too. Hopefully I'll survive.

Notes while flying home:

Day 58, I think I lost count.. - Welp, I definitely found life, not the good kind though.. kind of figures since I am that life now. I honestly don't think I can go back to that planet, it just terrifies me. I mean, who knows what else could be on there?

To say the least, these humongous, pitch black tentacles stabbed me in the stomach, and now they are inside me, or at least my back. I obviously can't pull them out, it doesn't hurt or anything, but these thing are LITERALLY MERGED into my back. On top of that I've been vomiting black sludge. I guess the only other option is to try and hide them.

I can control these things, right?

Day how am I still here - Picking up from the last note, yeah no, I cannot control these things at all, in fact they practically control me. I've been having mood swings all week after these things infected me, and it's the worst. One second I'll be happy, then angry, then afraid, then sad.

Speaking of sad, I was crying and I realized that my tears were black? I'm guessing it's just another side effect of this thing, hopefully it'll go away soon.

Day I hate it here - Welp, good news, I found out I actually can hide these things! It doesn't even hurt like I thought it would.

The only problem is that the I throw up black sludge more often while I'm hiding it, and once I do throw up, it takes me an hour to recovered and gain back the ability to hide these things. But hey, it's better than nothing.

(Discontinued) Black Worm AU / Sock Crew AU (Blazafor1)Where stories live. Discover now