3 - Another Calling

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Socks fluttered his eyes open.

He was a bit dazed, but nonetheless felt comfortable. So he closed his eyes again until he heard Blaza's voice.

"So, would you like to explain what the hell that was?"

Socks' eyes shot open and he immediately sat up straight.

"What do you mean?" Was the only response he could come up with, and also the stupidest.


"ALRIGHT! Alright, yes,I do definitely have some explaining to do.."

And he told Blaza everything.


"So, to put it lightly, there was this creature on the planet, these large black tentacles that attacked you?" Blaza questioned Socks.

"Yep." Socks responded.

"Wow, so you were lying? I knew it!"

"Yeah, to say the least it was terrifying."

"I'm guessing you didn't tell those researchers about it?"


"Not even Laff?"

Socks suddenly remembered what Laff specialized in, Ethology of organisms excluded from earth. To put it bluntly he studied animals who weren't from earth.

"No, but at the same time, that's not a bad idea.."

"Well, we can do that tomorrow. First we have to sort out, this."

Socks knew what Blaza was talking about, and suddenly an idea popped into his head.

"Hey, maybe you can get my car and drive here so it'd be quicker to get me out of here. Just don't crash it, please?" Socks answered while handing Blaza his car keys.


Blaza honestly didn't know how to feel about this whole situation. Shouldn't he be afraid of Socks?

It just didn't feel that way. It was more of a feeling where he had to protect Socks, but at the same time he didn't know what this alien-creature-thing could do. His feelings were just all jumbled up right now.

He drove to his house even though it was just around the block. He just wanted to make sure Socks was okay.

On the way there, Socks tentacles felt around the car. Grabbing onto the back seats, nearly opening the car door on accident, and even poking around at Blaza's face.

"Socks, what are your octopus arm-things doing?"

"I dunno, they kind of just have a mind of their own, y'know?"

Blaza rolled his eyes as he parked the car in his driveway.

A few moments after they entered his house, Blaza heard the door slam shut and suddenly found himself being dragged to his living room and being pinned up to the wall by Socks.

"You cannot tell ANYONE about this, and I mean it Blaza."

"Do you understand?" Socks demanded in a serious tone. His eyes were both X's, the left one was red and the right one was purple.

"I-uh.. I guess?" Blaza responded.


Blaza was slightly baffled at what Socks just did to him, his cheeks felt a little warm, but it was probably just from the sudden shock that came to him.

(Discontinued) Black Worm AU / Sock Crew AU (Blazafor1)Where stories live. Discover now