chapter 8

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(Edited since first published)



*Time pass, 2 days later*

These past two days were the most boring and difficult for Dream. He would come visit George everyday for a few hours. Half the time George was asleep so he couldn't talk to him, but Dream missed George so he would come see him anyway. The time George wasn't asleep was filled with small talk, consisting of George asking questions about Dream, and Dream answers them to his best ability.


"We've done everything that needs to be done and George is in relatively good shape, George should be able to go home now," the nurse smiled, that they never got the name of.

"Thank you so much Nurse.. uh-"

"Nurse Rae,"she smiled, and George smiled back.

Dream grew a little jealous seeing George smiling back at her, even though George had completely forgotten who he was, he was still hurt. He should've realized how emotionally attached he was, but he was to busy worrying about George.

"Anyways, you should be able to go home now! We'll just get all your paper work and you'll be free to go," she walked out to go get the paper work.

"I'm not forcing you to stay with me, it's completely fine if you wanna—"

"No please, don't worry about it, I wanna stay with you until I remember everything."

Dream simply smiled and nodded.

*Time pass*

"Welcome home," Dream said sarcastically, to which George chuckled. "Make yourself at home."

"I just have one question," George said, changing the subject.


"Why do I mean so much to you? Like, what was I to you before the incident?" George asked curiously.

"Uh," Dream hesitated to answer, all his confidence washing out of him. "We were just really good friends," Dream faked a smile. They were barley friends, but Dream didn't want to tell George that.

"Oh? alright! I'm tired so I'm gonna take a nap, if that's fine with you?" George acted as if he already had been living with Dream for months now.

"Yeah of course, sleep well," Dream replied.

"Oh, I don't know which room to use."

"You can use whatever room you want,"he hoped George would sleep in his bed as much as he didn't want to admit it.

"Ok, thank you."

He's never gonna remember

Dream tried pushing that thought away, but he couldn't stop overthinking it. So, he got up and did something he enjoyed, Cooking. His dad was amazing at cooking, But once he passed away, all his talent went with him. So dream decided to learn how to cook after the loss, and since then, he'd considered himself a good cook.


George knew dream was lying about being just 'good friends' before the incident. He was exhausted, but that thought kept him up for awhile. Until he smelt Dream's cooking. He got up slowly from bed, still kind of weak. ( weak from the accident, don't get any ideas )

He had lost his phone in accident, he wondered if his 'old' friends knew what had happen to him. Maybe they didn't care enough to check up on him. George was overthinking it. He snapped back into his thoughts after hearing Dream voice echo through the relatively large but empty home.

He carefully stood up and stopped at the door way and saw the tall blonde standing in the kitchen, humming a familiar song. "Alexa, Play 'Young' by Clay ___ (insert last name)

Why'd he say his name? George was confused

The humming turned into singing,
(play the song for the effect)

Another day goes by,
And where was I?
Didn't think I'd still be here
Just to make things clear

What's the use?
I'm not talking sense
Call it ruse
On myself
I wanted to go
I wanted to say
All things come to pass
With time,
But I want everything now
To be alright..

Dream was cutoff,

"Your a really good singer." George smiled.
Before Dream could reply George asked, "Also why'd you say your name when you asked alexa to play it?"

"Its my song." He chuckled at George being slow.

"I've taken a break from my singing career though, not sure when i'll be ready to go back." He shrugged, he really did miss making songs,

"Wow! that's actually really cool, That explains why your loaded!"

Dream let out a laugh,

"Did I know this before the incident?"

"No," Dream replied looking back down, trying to forget about it.

"Oh well, I originally came here because I smelt your cooking, it smells good!" He smiled,

"Thanks!" Dream said looking back and smiling at him,

"If you want some, it'll be done soon, you can sit on the couch and watch some tv until then, uh, only if you want though." He really wish his cockiness would kick in any second, but it didn't seem to.

"Alright," He chuckled at Dream.

*time pass*

Dream started setting the food oh the table, he looked over to the couch and realized George had fallen asleep,

He went over to shake George awake, "Foods ready,"

George slowly got up, and sat the table. As soon as Dream sat down at the table, he pulled out his phone almost immediately.

George was confused. Why he was so dry and quiet if they used to be "really good friends",

"Are you okay?"

Dream didn't know how to respond to that.
Yes? No? Maybe?

"Can I excuse myself?" He replied, getting up from the table with his head down. He went to the bathroom to gather his thoughts together without being disturbed.

You guys didn't even have any memories together, your being such a baby. You were nothing to him anyway. He never loved you, it was a one day thing!

He brought his knees up to his chest and let out the largest sigh while contemplating everyday that had happen in the last week.



also have you ate and drank water today? if not go do so, you can do this :) your appreciated more than you know. go treat yourself and take a nice shower today (: I hope your day is going good, if not i'm always here if you need someone to talk too, please please please don't be afraid to message me, i promise i'll listen to you and get back to you as fast as i can. i love you so much, remember it valid and amazing.

have a good rest of your day/night <3

(916 words)

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