chapter 18

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Should he forgive George?

After he didn't follow George back into the apartment he drove for 5 hours on end. Not going anywhere in particular, it just calmed him down.


When he got home, it was around 6pm, and was expecting for George to be at Serenas but instead, when he opened the apartment door, George stood there, eyes puffy and red. George went up and squeezed Dream in a bear hug,

"I'm sorry," He sobbed, "I don't know what's wrong with me." Georges voice was weak, Dream felt sympathy for him, but he couldn't just forgive him like that. He said nothing but

"Your 1 month checkup from the accident is Tuesday, they said they need you urgently."

Dream let go of George and didn't say another word. George just stood there, still sobbing.


After the little scene, they stayed in their rooms for the rest of the day.


Dream woke up around 8am, He would make breakfast for both of them even after everything, hoping George would eat.

George then woke up around 30 minutes later.

"Breakfast." we're the only words that left his mouth.

George sat down, and once again, played with his food. Just staring at it.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Because i'm not hungry." George replied bluntly,

"George, I know your lying. Seriously what's wrong?"

"Serena said not too." George mumbled, It wasn't audible for Dream to understand . Dream thought nothing of it and didn't wanna argue, so he pushed it aside.

Georges phone shook the table a little, he got a notification from Serena.


Come over right now.

Babe what's wrong?


Okay i'll be on my way shortly?


"Dream I gotta go." He put his shoes on in a hurry, realizing he still hadn't had a car.

"Actually can you take me to Serena's"

"No, get her to come."

"Clay, Please."

He hesitated,

"Get in the car."
you need to stop forgiving him.

George got in the car, happy that Dream would take him.

Dream put his shoes on, and slowly walked to the car.

He got in the car, without saying anything besides "What's the address?" George put in the address, and they drove there in silence.

When they got there, he thanked Dream and got out the car and headed towards the front door


He was so confused on what he had done wrong. Before he could even knock, Serena opened the door in anger. He walked in slowly, honestly terrified.

"Who drove you here?"

"Uh, Clay did?" George was more than confused, "Why'd you need me anyway?"

"Who were you with at the Cafe yesterday?"

"What do you mean? I didn't go out after you left yesterday."


"Serena I seriously didn't!"

Serena broke down in tears, "You know what, we need a break!"

Georges eyes widened, "What?" His voice broke.


George walked out, the door being slammed behind him. He wanted to cry, but he didn't?

When he looked up, he saw Dreams car still parked there. He walked up to it, "Why are you still here"

" I knew something was gonna go wrong so I just stayed here just in case."

"Thanks." He chuckled.

"Hey," He turned to look at George as he got into the car, "We're going to the club tonight. Your coming. I don't care what you say"

" Oh, okayy?" He was honestly a little scared to go.



HELLOOO! HOW WAS YOUR GUYS DAY TODAY, AND WHAT'D YOU DO? i hope it was goooood! if not and you need someone to talk about it too, you can always message me! <33

have you ate and drank water today? if not, go try too! even if it's a small portion, it still counts :). if you absolutely can't eat, that's fine, come back later and try again if you'd like :] were gonna get through this together, it may take awhile but i promise i wont ever leave your side. i love and appreciate you so so so much. your absolutely amazing and valid. always remember that :)

have a good rest of your day/night! <33

(this chapter is definitely my least favorite it's kind of all over the place, i'm sorry 😭)

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