chapter 20

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"George," Dream shook George awake,

"Whattt?" his voice weary, also noticing his head was throbbing.

"Your important appointment is today, remember?"

"What happen last night?" Completely ignoring the appointment.

"You were drunk, and you and Serena got back together. But once again, you were drunk."

"Oh. I'm fine with that" He completed shrugged it off, Dream rolled his eyes and walked off.

He got up from bed and got dressed into some jeans, with a sweatshirt and crew neck under it.

Dream was already dressed, so he'd wait for George in the living room.

George was all over the place,

"George hurry tf up, we have 20 minutes"

He slammed the Hairbrush on the sink, fuck it, he mumbled. He left without doing his hair leaving him with fluffy, messy hair.

"Ok, I think.. I'm ready" He looked himself up and down in the mirror. Dream stood left of him, also looking him up and down with a slight smirk on his face.

"What? do I look bad?"

"No Georgie." He winked at him and walked off to grab his keys, "Hurry uppp."

Stop, why are you so flustered?

He tried to forgot about it and put on his shoes and ran out the door.

They drove to Georges doctor and got there 20 minutes later. "By the way, what are we even here for?" "I dunno, they just called and said you had this really important appointment, I think it might be a checkup." Dream replied also confused. "Oh, alright" George shrugged it off

They walked in, checked their selves in and sat in the waiting room, George kicked his feet up and down like a child, "You're such a child." Dream giggled at him, George blushed, rolling his eyes at him jokingly.

"George Davidson?" He was called, the voice seemed familiar, they both looked up. It was Serena, but instead of looking at George, she was smirking at Dream, but of course George didn't notice it, he was so blinded.

Dream was already annoyed by her existence.

They followed her and got into their waiting room, she did all the procedures and started chatting with George for a little bit. Dream completely zoned out, but noticed they were giggling at each other.

He realized Serena walked out the room, and he accidentally blurted out "Finally, omfg that bitch is so annoying" oops, George stayed silent.

He regretted going to the club that night. If only they didn't go, they probably wouldn't be together again.

Finally the doctor came in for the actual reasoning behind the random appointment,

"Hello George! Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah I'm feeling fine, Thank you."

"That's good, well I've been informed that there might be a "medicine" for your memory loss!" (I don't think there actually is, don't take my word for it)

"Oh wow, really?"

Dreams widened, would he finally remember

"But since you're so far along, there's a low chance of it working."

Dreams whole mood was ruined, he had absolutely so hope,

"Oh.. well is there any way I could still try it out?" I really wanna know the whole back story behind me and dream, He thought to himself,

"Yes of course, just low chances of it working."

"Great! When can I get it?"

"Well let's check when you can get it.." He started typing off at his computer, George smiled at Dream, Dream returned a forced smile back,

"Well it looks like next week we are able to set an appointment, would you like to set one up?"

"That sounds good, thank you!" He had a smile on his face. He hadn't seen George this happy in awhile, but why was he so happy.


The rest of the appointment was just small talk and information he needed,

They got all the paperwork and left, "Why were you so happy?" Dream asked, "Because I might be able to vividly remember what happen between us!" "Oh right." Dream honestly had no hope, and if the dose did work, he was worried George would still think of him differently.

"Why aren't you happy about it?" "Because you and Serena are together." Dream replied bluntly, George looked down without saying a word, he would always do that in these situations.

They drove home, and later that night, George slept over at Serena's.



did you eat anything for dinner tonight? if not that's fine, try and eat something tmr tho (: i love you soo muchh, and we're gonna get through this together <33 

also if it's night time for you go to bed, if not good morning, and eat something for breakfast!


have a good rest of your day/night!

(if i forgot any tw's please lmk! also don't be afraid to point out typos!)

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