chapter 17

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TW: idea of ed, doesnt straight up say it though.

Dream hadn't talked to George ever since last night.


He woke up surprisingly late, late for him at least.

It was 12pm, the weather now starting to warm up. Sun beaming on his face. The sun was the only thing that kept him from staying in bed for the rest of the day.

He was actually hoping George wasn't home, he was still pissed they MADE OUT on HIS couch, in HIS home.

He walked, and heard nothing but his own footsteps, dreadfully silent.

Hopefully that means George isn't home.

Lo and behold, there was George on the couch, staring at the view outside the window.

He threw his head back and rolled his eyes at the existence of George. He would ignore George and make some breakfast, but it was annoyingly hard to ignore him.

He got out the eggs and bacon and made the most standard breakfast out there. The sound of the sizzles of the eggs and bacon was the only sound keeping the apartment from silence.

Breakfast was ready and he had realized he made some for George as well. And before he could stop himself,

"Breakfast is ready." He bit his tongue,

Why'd you say that you dumbass?

He brought the food to the table anyway, and after a few seconds of George's procrastination, he got up from the couch. Still silent.

George sat down and played with his food. Dream realized he hadn't seen George eat in two days.

"You gonna eat?"

"Not hungry."

Did he relapse all of a sudden?

Maybe he was overthinking it and George was completely fine. Right? right.

Dream ate and looked at the view outside while George played with his food.

"K, if your not hungry, throw your food away, don't play with it?"

George couldn't stop himself before snapping,

"CLAY, SERIOUSLY WHATS YOUR GOD DAMN PROBLEM," George's hands were tensing up,


Tears started flowing down Georges cheek. And Dream just sat there, lips quivering, attempting not to cry.

Maybe it is my fault, and i'm the reason for George's issues. I seriously need to let everything go.

George ran out the apartment, tears flowing down his cheek. Dream was gonna run after him, but it wasn't worth it in the moment.

He just sat there, eyes watery.

This is all your fault, you need to let go. your such a crybaby. He will never remember you. give up, it's been a month since the incident

Dream got up from his seat and went to search for George even if he didn't really want too. He found him sitting on the side of a ledge on the pavement.

"Get up and go inside."

George didn't reply nor do anything.

"GET UP." He demanded.

George got up and went into the apartment. But Dream didn't follow. He got into his car.

As soon as he got inside his car, he let out a sigh. He just wished it was just him and George.


HELLLOOOOO! HOW WAS YOUR DAY TODAY? I HOPE IT WAS GOOD :)) if not you can always talk to me abt it in dms <3 can't believe we're actually at 24k reads. you guys are the best thing that's happen to me, i love you all sm. :)

have you ate and drank water today? if not go do! even if it's a small portion, i'm still proud of you. if you absolutely can't do it, that's okay! come back later, and try again if you'd like :) were gonna get through this together, i promise i will never leave your side. your absolutely amazing and loved and appreciated by many including me! your valid, always remember that <33 i love you so much.

have a good rest of your day/night :]

(if there's any typos, don't be afraid to point them out please, also please lmk if i forgot any tw's! votes are appreciated!)

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