chapter 26

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After George got home from Wilburs house, he was greeted with Dream staring at the view in the living room, dead silent.

"Uh Dream, I'm home."


"Are you okay?" George was confused on the sudden change, normally this is what George would do, now Dream is?

"Yeah, I'm fine." He got up from the couch and asked, "So, What you and your new guy do?" He had a little bit of jealousy in his voice,

"Nothing, we just went and sat in this one spot, we should go sometime!"

Our spot? Was all Dream could think of, "Yeah for sure," He didn't bring up his thought. "Also your check up for the dose is tomorrow, do you remember anything at all?"

"No, I'm sorry Dream." He looked down hoping his face wouldn't blow it away.

"Okay, well I need to go grocery shopping, come if you want."

"Sure, one second, let me get dressed."

"Why, we're literally going to the grocery store George?"

"I dunno, I feel gross."

Or maybe you're trying to impress someone there, "Yeah, okay hurry up." Dream put his shoes on and left to sit in the car.

George quickly put on his usual, straight jeans, a t-shirt and put a sip up jacket over it. He proceeded to put on his converse and locked the door and left to Dreams car.

When George sat in the car, he glanced over at George, why is he so fine,

"So we gonna go, or are you gonna keep staring at me?" George laughed,

"Oh right," Now it was Dream blushing instead of George, but George never mentioned it, even though when Dream blushed it was noticeable.


When they arrived at the grocery store, everything was fine until, he saw Serena with her new girlfriend. She glanced at him and gave him a smirk of revenge. George looked down and stayed silent,

Dream noticed Georges sudden silence, "Are you okay? You were talking a few seconds ago?" Dream looked around for something or someone that might've quieted him, then he noticed Serena.

He wanted so badly to go up to her and go off again, but he didn't want to make George sad, he didn't care about making a scene though.

He fought his urge to go up to her but instead, to make her jealous, he lifted up Georges chin and stared right into his eyes, it looked like Dream was going in for a kiss, but he let go of George chin and whispered in Georges ear,

"Your better than that Georgie." He smirked at George and Serena. Serena was obviously jealous and rolled her eyes and walked away, George just stood there, in shock but blushing at the same time,

Why's he getting to me, George thought to himself, he didn't like Dream though, right? Yeah, obviously..

After that little scene, they continued to grocery shop like nothing happen.

Suddenly Dream got a phone call,



Yea this is Dream, and who may this be?


Oh alright, has something changed?

****, *****************

Oh, alright! We'll see you soon then?


Alright, bye!

"Who was that?" George couldn't hear anything from the other caller so he was confused,

"Remember you have a checkup? Yeah we've got to go in 30 minutes."

"Ah right! But didn't you say earlier that it's tomorrow?"

"Yeah but I guess it's changed." He shrugged,

"Oh alright." 


After grocery shopping, they sped off to the doctors office, Dream had to sit in the waiting room, so he wouldn't know anything.

"George *insert last name*", George looked up, it was Serena, wasn't she just at the grocery store? wth.

He made it seem like he knew absolutely nothing about the women and just walked with her to the waiting room,

The absolute first thing she said to him was, "George, I miss you. Please."

"Fuck off, you hurt me mentally and physically. We won't ever have anything again."

"But, George please, I promise I'll be better this time!" She pleaded for George back,

"Serena, I'm done with your shit, you have a girlfriend."

"But she doesn't have to know?"

"Your girlfriend deserves better." George honestly felt bad for the other girl, but he couldn't explain his anger for Serena right now,

"George ple-" George cut her off,

"Oh my god," He aggressive got up from his "bed" (what do you even call those things you sit on?) "I need a new nurse." He walked out the doctors office and went up to the front desk,

"I need a new nurse, the one I have currently is verbally harassing me."

"Oh! Okay, and what's the nurses name?"

"Serena Rae,"

"Thank you for telling me, I'll get you a new one as soon as possible. You may take your seat once again back in the waiting room." She smiled at him,

George proceeded to do so,

Dream noticed George was back early, "Your back early, it's been 10 minutes?"

"Serena was passing me off so I asked for a new nurse,"

"I'm sorry,"

"It's not your fault."

He waited for a new nurse until he got one, it was a completely different nurse this time so hopefully it would be okay.

After the nurse, his doctor came in and he explained his whole situation, the doctor was a little confused but he just went with it.


After about an hour the appointment was finally over,

"Hey, sorry it took awhile."

"Don't worry about it, so anything new?"

"Nope, they just told me nothing would happen since I don't remember and the headache was just a side effect." He tried his best at lying,


They walked out and went back to their apartment, nothing special happen that night.




alsoo have you ate or drank anything today/yesterday? if not try and eat something, even if it's a small portion. and if you can't eat anything right now, your more than welcome to come back later and try again (:. i'm proud of how far you've come, keep going <3 i love you and appreciate you more than you know. and always remember i will never ever leave your side, i'll always be here to help.
i love your more than you know (:

have a good rest of your day/night!<3

(please lmk if i forgot any TWs and don't be afraid to point out typos, i'm writing this late i'm tired loll)

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