Androgyny, Femininity, Masculinity

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Welcome back! Today I, your lovely writer Al, am going to be covering Androgyny, Femininity, Masculinity and gender identity v.s gender expression.

Let's start off with femininity. Femininity is characterized by things traditionally associated with women and girls, E.g skirts, dresses, makeup.

Secondly, masculinity. Masculinity is qualities or attributes regarded traditionally as characteristic of men.

Androgyny is looking either genderless or a mix of feminine and masculine. It can also be used to refer to intersex individuals. Androgyny is a common fashion for non-binary and agender people, but contrary to popular belief (mainly by cishets) not all non binary people dress androgynous. Which leads to my next point, gender expression v.s gender identity.

Gender identity is your gender, e.g Agender, bigender, etc. Some people also use neogenders (?), most commonly neurodivergent people. I'll be covering neogenders (?) in a future chapter.

Lastly, gender expression. Gender expression is how you present. Anyone can present as anything, as long as it's not offensive (example: anything racist, sexist, etc.). Androgyny, femininity, and masculinity are all types of presenting, among other things.

In conclusion, gender identity and gender expression have nothing (0) to do with each other.

Thanks for reading!

Next: Lesser known non-binary genders

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