Chapter 15

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Tris Pov

I know this isn't right to do but I find the need that I have to cut myself. I always have this feeling that I'm not good enough for anyone. I don't deserve Tobias, who wants to go out with a girl like me. I'm flat cheated and have no curves.

"Don't say that" Tobias says opening his eyes. We were napping on my bed.

"I said that out loud didnt I" I say

"Yeah you did, cut yourself and your going to have major problems" he says and I lay my head back on his chest.

"Seriously Tobias, why me" I ask

"How is this even a question" he says

"I'm serious" I say

"So am I" he says

"You the most beautifulest, prettiest girl I even met. Your smart and kind. I love your personality. I love everything about you. With out you I really don't know what my life would be like" he's says and I hug him.

"I love you Tobias" I say and he pecks my head.

"I love you too" he says and I smile. He leans in for a kiss but I pull away. Teasing him. I smash my lips onto his and he holds my cheeks and we fall back on the bed and kiss. We interwind fingers and then I pull away and lay my head on his shoulder. We fit together like a puzzle piece. Christina Walks in with Will and she gives him a good bye kiss then she sees me and Tobias laying on my bed.

"Four do you mind if I talk to Tris alone" she say and Tobias sits up pecking my lips.

"I should start going anyway." he says and I smile. Then he leaves.

"What's up what do you want to tell me" I say to Chris.

"I'm pregnant" she says and I hug her.

"That's so exciting" I say

"Are you excited" I add

"I'm super excited" she says

"When I saw you pregnant, I thought we could get pregnant together but then the-" she says but I interrupt her.

"I know all about it, you don't have to explain" I say

"Tris I didn't mean to get you upset" she says

"I'm not upset" I say

"Just saying your the most depressed person I know" she says and I just look at her. Then I pull my sleeves a little down.

"Don't act like you don't cut yourself, Four tells me everything" she says and I just sit down on my bed.

"Tris you have people here that will help you, and if you think your boyfriend isn't enough then you can talk to me, Will, Zeke, Uriah, Marlene or Shaunna." she says and I give her a fake smile so she can leave me a lone. Then she hugs me. I hug her back.

"Look at you. you wear sweats mostly everyday and you hair is a mess" she says and we laugh for the longer time. I don't know what's funny but it just is.

"Stop you going to make me pee myself" she adds.

"I really am happy for you" I say

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