one. the plan

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the plan

"MADDIE," valerie mcadams whined over dramatically, she was sitting on her best friend, maddie ziegler's couch, the two girls were hanging out and watching criminal minds, maddies favorite show, "can we watch shameless? pleaseee,"

"valerie, shut up. reid's talking." maddie replied impatiently, and went back to watching the screen and paying close attention to her show. 

"how do you find him attractive?" val asked sarcastically, and maddie rolled her eyes at the younger girl dramatically.

"you're a lesbian. that's why you're not attracted to him, now shut up." she quipped, and val sighed at the girl, although she wasn't wrong.

"touché, mads. touché." she replied, and started biting her nails, it was her bad habit. no matter how hard she tried she never stopped biting her nails, they were always bitten down to stubs.

"are you losers watching criminal minds again?" a voice piped up, and val turned around to see maddies younger sister, mackenzie walking into the living room.

val blushed at the sight of the girl. she had been crushing on kenzie since like second grade, the girl was just so perfect to valerie, with her long hair, funny personality, and everything about her was amazing to val, even her faults. 

"hey, my favorite little zieg!" valerie exclaimed and kenzie rolled her eyes at the girl, but she had a smile playing on her lips.

"will you ever stop calling me that, val?" kenzie rolled her eyes, and sat down on the couch, right next to val, which made the girl blush harder.

"no, i will not." val responded seriously, "and yes we are, i voted for shameless, but maddie's obsessed with criminal minds." val bit her pointer finger nail again, and shifted the ring that was resting on her finger.

"mmm. i agree with you, val." kenzie shrugged nonchalantly, an apathetic look on her face, and val couldn't contain the grin that spread on her face.

"see, mads! kenzie agrees with me." she said, a proud smile on her face, she always was so excited when kenzie agreed with her. she was so whipped.

"get over it, i'm the oldest out of us and i say criminal minds, so criminal minds it is." maddie said bossily, and went back to paying attention to the tv, causing both girls to roll their eyes.

"bub," kenzie said softly, a calm look on her face, and val looked at the girl, "lift up your arm."

"okay." val said, and did what the girl said, and kenzie scooted over, and leaned onto vals body, laying pretty much on the girl, cuddled into her side, which made vals stomach fill with a million little butterflies.

valerie wrapped her arm around the girl, and sighed contentedly, kenzie snuggled deeper into her side, and grabbed valeries hand, entertaining their fingers and looking closely at vals hands.

val had 1-3 rings on each finger, she loved her rings and always wore them, they were all pink, green, or black, and they matched her chipped white nail polish.

"v," kenzie sighed annoyedly, "you need to stop biting your nails, it's not good for you."

"kenzie," valerie responded, matching kenzie's tone, "not happening." bad habits weren't easy to break.

"well, your nails are gonna be ugly forever, don't call me crying when you realize that." kenzie shrugged, with a "don't say i didn't warn you" look on her face, and valerie fake gasped, with a hurt look on her face. 

"so rude, mackenzie!"

"just the truth, mcadams."

"OKAY," maddie said later that evening, gaining valeries attention, the two girls were laying in maddies bed, underneath the covers scrolling through tik tok, "we need a plan to get you and mackenzie together."

"w-what do you mean?" valerie sputtered out, she had never told her best friend about her crush on the other girls sister, but maddie just rolled her eyes.

"i mean, it's not like you hid it..." the blonde said carefully, "you so obviously like her, and i think she likes you, too. you should ask her out."

"no, she doesn't." valerie rolled her eyes, "kenz does not like me. in any sort of romantic way, i've accepted it, now it's your turn to."

"hmm, i don't think so, i think that if you do something really romantic, or like, cute, she'll definitely accept, and you two will fall in love, and live happily ever after, married with two kids, and a cat. or dog, i think kenzie is more of a dog person," maddie said, and valerie laughed.

truth be told, that sounded perfect to valerie, a life with kenzie was a life that she wanted to live.

and that's why she agreed to maddies plan.

"fine." valerie agreed, "what's your idea?"

umm rlly short chapter
but this is prob gonna be
about the length of most of
them because then it's easier
for me to update more instead
of writing a few lengthy chapters
that take me forever to write!
but here's chapter one!

not proofread btw i'm too lazy for that
and i'm supposed to be doing math hw
but i just wanted to finish this chapter first


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