three. jim to my pam

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jim to my pam

"OKAY, TODAYS PLAN IS THE OFFICE BOX!" maddie informed valerie perkily, it was seven am, and while valerie was feeling pretty dead inside, maddie was awake and energetic.

"why the actual fuck are we up so early?" val yawned, sipping her caramel iced coffee that the girls had just gotten from dunkin, they were now sitting in a target parking lot.

"because, target has a ton of office theme stuffed and it's also one of mackenzies favorite shows," maddie explained, and valerie sighed.

"the things i do for your sister." valerie sighed.

"i know," maddie sighed, "what a simp."


they had gotten her a couple office t-shirts, a dwight funko pop, an office card game, and an office sweatshirt.

valerie had painted a box light blue, and with the help of maddie written "BE THE JIM TO MY PAM?" in black block letters.

"think she'll like it?" val asked, and maddie nodded.

"i'm sure," the blonde smiled reassuringly, "let's go give it to her!"

"okay," valerie said, and grabbed the box, walking into the living room with maddie.

"hey!" kenzie greeted when the girls walked into the room, by where kenz was sitting on the couch, "you back for attempt number two, val?"

"you know it, cupcake." valerie winked, feeling a little more confident.

"okay," mackenzie clapped her hands, sitting upright, "let's see whatcha got!"

"okay," val said, and handed her the box, "wanna be the jim to my pam?"

"aw!" kenzie exclaimed as she opened the box, and valerie smiled at the twinkle in the other girls doe eyes, "this is so cute, val! i love it so much."

"does that mean you'll be my valentine?" val asked excitedly, and kenzie laughed.

"fuck no." the girl simply stated, and valerie stared at her, mouth agape. 

"dude!" valerie exclaimed, "but you just said that you loved it?"

"i do!" kenzie replied, "and that's why i'm declining, because today's only day two, i wanna see what else i can get out of this." the girl smirked, and valerie stared at her in shock.

"jesus fucking christ." valerie sighed, and kenzie laughed.

"good luck with tomorrow, v." she winked, and walked out of her room, leaving valerie and maddie standing there.

"well," maddie sighed, "time to think of tomorrows plan, let's go lesbian." she said, and dragged val by the arm so the girls could go back to maddies room, and figure out how to ask kenzie tomorrow.

short asf chapter bc i
didnt really feel like
writing today and i
hate this chapter but

i'm trying to write
and publish a chapter
everyday so idk

again, not proofread.
way too lazy for that
shit. i'm sorry :(

anyways accurate timelines
in this do not exist and some
stuff i write might not fit the
ziegler's in real lifebut it's just
the stuff i want to add to this :/

i hate this chapter goodbye-

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