two. teddy bears and roses

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teddy bears and roses

"DONT YOU THINK THATS KIND OF BORING?" valerie asked her best friend, the girls had just made a plan, starting tomorrow, december first, valerie would ask kenzie to be her valentine everyday of december, until she said yes. or until december was over, then valerie would just try to get over kenz.

"no, it's not." maddie stated, "and it'll get more interesting each day, which i'm sure you're in for a ton of."

"really?" valerie asked, "you think this'll take a while?"

"i think at least a week. maybe two, or three, though." maddie shrugged. 

"jesus fuck," valerie sighed, she knew that any time spent on asking kenzie out would be worth it, but still, three weeks?

after waiting for years to ask the ziegler girl out, she could wait another couple weeks. she would live.

"okay, are you really sure about teddy bears and roses, though?" valerie asked, "is that too cliche?"

"val, you and kenz are obviously hopeless," maddie sighed, "time to take this romance into my own hands. just listen to me, i'm sure it'll go fine. and, like i said, if she doesn't say yes, on the second we'll go bigger."

"okay," valerie sighed, "let's do this."

THE NEXT DAY maddie and valerie were sitting in the ziegler's living room, valerie and maddie had picked out a tan teddy bear, holding a heart that said in bold white letters, 'WILL YOU BE MINE?' and a bouquet of pink roses, now all they had to do was wait for kenzie to come home.

"what if it doesn't go well, mads?" valerie asked, she was biting her nails anxiously, two of them had already started bleeding from her biting them so much, and the girl had no interning of quitting her bad habit, at the moment.

"val," maddie said, and reached out to rub her best friends shoulder soothingly, "it'll be okay. don't panic, if kenz actually gets upset well just say it was a prank or something, i think it'll go well, though. worst case scenario, we find you a new girl and you get over kenz. i can ask my friend lilia if she or her girlfriend jill know of anybody, it'll be okay, val."

"okay, you're right," valerie sighed as she ran her fingers through her long, highlighted hair, "it'll be okay. i'll be okay. no matter what happens, i'll live."

"that's the spirit, champ." maddie joked, and both girls laughed, "i'm gonna text kenzie and see if she'll be home soon, i wanna go get burger king if she's gonna take much longer."



hey kenzie

hey maddie
what's up?

when r u getting home?

uhh prob like
15 minutes or so??
why what's up????

okay! thanks <3
see ya in a bit

okay lmao see u
in a bit <3



she was about to ask out the girl she had been crushing on since 6th grade.

"hey losers!" kenzie shouted as she kicked off her shoes, and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of mango kombucha, "want one, val?" she yelled, waving the kombucha in the air, and valerie nodded.

"sure!" she yelled back, and maddie smiled at the girl, giving her two huge thumbs up, which she did back with a grateful smile on her face.

"such dorks." kenzie rolled her eyes playfully and valerie blushed.

"shut up!" she laughed.

"ooh, who are those for?" kenzie asked playfully, in a sing song voice, referring to the teddy bear and roses which were on the coffee table in front of the couch, "valerie got a girlfriend?"

"they're, uh, for you..." valerie trailed off sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck with the palm of her hand, val cleared her throat.

"wanna be my valentine, little ziegs?" she asked, and kenzie stared at her with a blank expression on her face.

"it's december, mcadams." was all kenzie said in response.

"okay, and?" valerie sassed, "but that doesn't answer my question, wanna be my valentine?"

"hmm," kenzie pretended to think, "nah. try again tomorrow though!" she perked up, and grabbed her kombucha and saluted val with a wink, and walked away to go to her bedroom.

"what the fuck?" valerie said, with a shocked expression resting on her face.

"told ya." maddie smirked, laughing at the girls reaction, "we'll just have to do better tomorrow."

another update bc i'm
bored and felt like writing!

kinda shitty chapter but oh well
thanks for reading :)) again, not
proof read bc i was too lazy for that

also i'm obsessed with wandavision and
i'm back into my to all the boys i've loved
before phase please-

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