eight. christmas eve

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IT WAS CHRISTMAS EVE. everybody had been busy today, getting ready for the mcadams and
zieglers annual family christmas party, getting last minute christmas gifts, doing their hair and makeup, picking out clothing, and more. 

kenzie, maddie and val were in the kitchen making mozzarella sticks together, the girls had made them once for the party when kenzie and val were seven, (val almost eight) and maddie was nine, and it had become a tradition that every year they would make them and serve them as appetizers.

"kenz, pass me the whisk, please," val asked the other girl, who nodded and handed her the whisk, a smile on her face, as val furrowed her eyebrows in concentration while measuring out the ingredients.

"you look so cute when you concentrate." kenzie giggled, and valerie blushed at the younger girls compliment, which made kenzie smile more.

"shut up." val said, trying to hide the deepening blush on her face, and kenzie laughed even harder, the corner of her deep brown eyes crinkling as her smile grew wider.

"guys," maddie whined, "i'm bored, give me something to do, valerie is so taking over the full thing."

"shut up," val rolled her eyes, and brushed a strand of her long highlighted hair behind her ear, and went back to whisking the egg and milk mixture.

"someone pass me the breadcrumbs," maddie said, and kenzie passed her the bread crumbs which maddie tossed in a bowl.

AN HOUR LATER the three were sitting in maddies room, and lilia and jill had just showed up.

all five of the girls were sitting on maddies queen sized bed, watching jills new movie godmothered.

"i'm just so proud of my angel," lilia gushed, an adorable smile, as she stared in awe as jane, jills character, showed up on the screen for the first time in the movie.

"i love you so much, shut the actual heck up." jill said to lilia with a pouty look on her face, while she snuggled closer into lilias side.

"angellll," lilia whined, "i love you more, shut the actual heck up," lilia scrunched her nose as she smiled, which jill though was adorable.

"i need to stop hanging out with you guys," val spoke up, "you make me feel way too single."

"just get a girlfriend," jill rolled her eyes sarcastically, "it's that easy. bam." lilia giggled at her girlfriend, rolling her eyes.

"shut up, babe. you're distracting us from the movie. that jane girl is pretty cute, too." lilia said sarcastically, scrunching her nose as she stuck her tongue out.

"girls!" rebecca, valeries mom, yelled from the staircase, "people are arriving! come on down!"

"shit," maddie said, and everybody scrambled to get up, pausing the movie and fixing their hair from laying down, and walked down the stairs.

"y'all look so cute!" a voice piped up, and val turned to see athena had walked through the door, her dark hair straight and shiny, wearing skinny jeans and a cute, ruffled black top.

"my love!" valerie squealed, and ran over to jump into athenas arms.

"angel!" athena smiled, and looked over at lilia, jill, maddie and kenzie, "oh my god, i've heard so much about all of you! you're all so pretty, aw!"

"thank you, you're so sweet!" lilia exclaimed warmly, and val smiled at her friends getting along, "i adore your name!" the blonde smiled warmly, and athena smiled back.

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