nine. girlfriends?

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what the fuck? she thought, she didn't realize kenzie was... jealous? of athena? what. the. fuck.

she didn't plan on confronting kenzie in front of her friends, she didn't want to embarrass the younger girl, especially if it was an accident or something, and she didn't want to make a big deal out of the situation before talking to kenzie.

"hey, val?" a voice piped up, snapping val out of her thoughts, and bringing her back to reality, it was athena, "can we go talk in the hallway?"

"sure," val responded, and stood up to follow athena out to the hallway, her thoughts still stuck on the tik tok room post.

"what's up?" val asked athena, who was rocking back and forth on her heels, and biting her bottom lip nervously, a pink flush on her pale white cheeks.

"god, this is um, really nerve wracking," athena laughed nervously, tucking a strand of her long dark hair behind her ear, "i'm just gonna say it. i like you, val. as more than a friend, and maybe this'll sound totally fucking stupid, but do you want to be my girlfriend? or just go out with me, if you're not ready for a relationship, or just, whatever you're, like, comfortable with? no pressure. at all."

val listened to the girl ramble, and her heart melted a little. athena was the kind of girl she should be with. she was sweet and stunning. and she actually liked val. but val liked kenzie. and as much as she wished she could change that, she just couldn't.

"athena," val said hesitantly, and athenas awkward smile turned into a worried look, "i love you so much, but as a best friend... i like kenzie, i'm so sorry. i wish i could change that, can we still be friends?"

athena nodded, pressing her lips together, a tear running down her face, valeries heart broke, she hated that she had upset the girl, but she couldn't be with her when she still liked kenzie.

"don't worry about me," the girl laughed when she saw the pitiful look on vals face, tears were still streaming down her face, "it might take me some time but i'll get over it, don't worry. i never want to lose your friendship, you're the best friend i've had in a while."

"i'm sorry athena, i really am. you're an amazing friend, though." valerie smiled, and reached out to hug athena, which athena returned.

IT WAS A FEW HOURS LATER, kenzie, maddie and val were helping their parents clean up, athena had left early, her mom had called, but lilia and jill were upstairs napping in maddies room while they waited for the other girls to come up and finish godmothered.

"kenzie," val spoke up, rocking back and forth on her heels, she hated confrontation, "wanna, uh, help me clean the dining room?"

"sure," kenzie laughed, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ears, before following val into the other room.

"i saw you liked that comment." val piped up, she needed to get right to the point. putting it off would have made it harder for her to bring anything up.

"what do you mean?" kenzie laughed, and val sighed.

"the one about how you should be dating me, not athena." val hated this conversation. she hated it so so much, but she didn't wanna just not say anything.

"oh..." kenzie replied, saying nothing else.

"kenzie, do you... like me?" val said hesitantly and kenzie rolled her eyes.

"why does it matter, valerie? i heard you and athenas conversation, i know you're dating know, i just wanted to let you know i'm happy for you." she spat, and valerie looked at her in shock.

"don't you get it, kenz? i'm in love with you!" valerie exclaimed, "i told athena i couldn't date her because i like you! i'm kind of starting to regret that decision because it's pretty fucking obvious you don't feel the same way, but i love-"

kenzie cut val off with a kiss, it was soft and loving, and both girls melted inside as their lips connected, it was like time stopped right then and there.

"val, who said i wasn't in love with you, too?" kenzie asked, and val stood there in disbelief.

"you-you love me?" val said, and kenzie nodded, biting her bottom lip. 

"yes, i love you, valerie fucking mcadams." kenzie rolled her eyes, and pecked vals lip.

"does this mean you'll be my valentine?" val asked, her dark red blush deepening.

"yes, dumb ass." kenzie giggled, rolling her eyes as she brought her lips to vals again for a quick kiss. 

the girls looked up at the clock in the dining room, and saw it was now 12:00am. christmas day.

"this was the best christmas gift i could have gotten," val giggled, and kenzie rolled her eyes, but hugged the girl.

"love you," kenzie said, kissing vals forhead, and val pulled back to look kenzie in the eyes.

"wait..." she said, "does this mean you're my girlfriend? and i'm yours?" she asked, looking at the girl.

"you're such a dork, mcadams." kenz rolled her eyes, "yes, you dumb ass. we're girlfriends."

"yay!" val smiled, "let's go tell jill, she was making fun of me yesterday for not asking you to be my girlfriend, she's such a bully."

"okay, babe." kenzie rolled her eyes, and the two girls linked their arms, and skipped upstairs to tell their friends.


hey lol 😏

y'all 😌 it happened 😌

i kept putting off writing
their whole "i love you" scene
because i had one written out for
like chapter 7 but then i realized it
didnt match up with what id written
with their mood boards so i deleted it?!

anyways athena is literally BAE she's so
perfect i cannot.  and kenzie and val r AW.

short chapter but oh well 😋

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