A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
Big Announcement... unfortunately, this club takes a lot of time for me run, and I think I will have to retire it.
However, some of you are deep in a pairing and I don't mind posting updates to keep things on schedule! It will be easier to manage a select few groups that are interested in the pairing. But once current partnerships are over, I think I will hang up the club.
I'm essentially trying to get my books ready for publication/finish them, which means more social media/newsletters/blogs/etc, and marketing takes a lot out of your day lol so my time needs to go to that.
I do run a secondary bookclub with a friend (the partnership and having admins helps a LOT) so feel free to give it a look for when these partnerships are up! I apologize for new people, but again my other bookclub called TattedTroubleBC is doing really well and we have a lot of admins that help run it. It gets updated and checked very regularly. Each group has a circle of 4 writers (including you) and they rotate every week (one cycle is 3 weeks) with 1 week consisting of reading 2 chapters. This continues until you repair and during the repairing, they move on to the next 2 chapters. It's basically a partnership like here, but more of a bookclub style.
🥂🍻🥂But let's end on a positive note! JadeDragon24 and Sugar_And_Spice125 have finished their partnership!!!! 🍻🥂🍻🥂
A S S I G N M E N T S:
Pairing One:
Glory_feeling2 -- 1 CHAPTER | Between Love and Hate
Chapter 1.32
belkisaris -- 1 CHAPTER | Piper
Chapter Titled "Mission 1..."
Pairing Two:
Completed their PartnershipJadeDragon24 and Sugar_And_Spice125 Thank you so much for your time and being on schedule! I am so happy you guys got to participate in this! I wish you both the best ❤️
Pairing Three:
I will message you twoMarieLotte -- 2 CHAPTERS | Wind of Fate
C L O S E D - The Critique Fellowship -- [Partnership BOOK CLUB]
Random[Open to new members] Are you looking for more of a dedicated partnership/beta reader/critique partner? Want your full book read? Want your chapters read every week? Want engaging comments? Then welcome to The Critique Fellowship :) This is a bookc...