2. Rules + Guidelines

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1. Add this book to a reading list (My Library). You get updates this way.

2. Must be 18+ (mostly to promote good feedback. Some exemptions can apply. Apply or message for questions)

3. Only English

4. Tag your comments with #TCFB (The Critique Fellowship Bookclub) #TCFB will help me see your comments when looking for them on chapters.

5. Supply the correct Password when applying. This will be in this chapter, so it's not too much of a hunt

 This will be in this chapter, so it's not too much of a hunt

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Each week, you will write, PER CHAPTER:

1. 3 in line comments (3 sentences total)
2. 1 final comment (4 full sentences)
3. 1 question answered (3 basic sentences)

-- Totals up to roughly 10 sentences, minimum, per chapter (Can be anywhere from 1-3 chapters per week, depending on partnerships)

I know this can seem like a lot, but that's why it's a Critique Fellowship 😄 Also, each section should be easy to reach on its own, versus a 10+ sentence final comment. I want to foster good feedback, but also make it easy on you.

Below, I go over what this setup means in detail.

R E M E M B E R:

C L O S E D - The Critique Fellowship -- [Partnership  BOOK CLUB]Where stories live. Discover now