Assignment 7 July 7 - July 14

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A N N O U N C E M E N T S:

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A N N O U N C E M E N T S:


Hopefully Wattpad is running a bit smoother this week! All of last week it was struggling with notifications and messaging, at least for me!

Hopefully Wattpad is running a bit smoother this week! All of last week it was struggling with notifications and messaging, at least for me!

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A S S I G N M E N T S:

Pairing One:

gonsalloo -- 2 CHAPTERS | Alpha

Chapter 9, 10

EeveeAndras -- 2 CHAPTERS | Prince of Stone

Chapter 10, 11

Pairing Two:

Glory_feeling2 -- 1 CHAPTERS | Between Love and Hate

Chapter 1

belkisaris -- 1 CHAPTER | Piper

Chapter 2

Pairing Three:

AmyMarieZ -- 6 CHAPTERS | The Bridge of Fire

Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Final comments apply to every second chapter, so Chapter 8, 10, 12)

MaryLion25 -- 3 CHAPTERS | Make Them Scream

Chapter 4, 5, 6

1. Tag comments with #TCFB
2. Start your final comment with Final Comment
3. Somehow preface if you are answering Author's Question if there is one

BONUS: Question of the Week: When you think about the book, what is the first image you get in your head? Is it a certain color? Do you see the Main Character, or another character? Is it a certain scene?

Please state 'Question of the Week' or 'QotW' if answering.

Put Done in the comments when you've completed your assignment.

If you have any issues/concerns/need a break/need less chapters/etc. please feel free to reach out to me!!!

R O U N D E N D S :Tuesday, July 14 and 12:00 NOON EST United States

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R O U N D E N D S :
Tuesday, July 14 and 12:00 NOON EST United States

N E X T R O U N D:
Will be posted Tuesday, July 14 around 1:00-7:00P.M. EST United States

Waiting for Pairing, or currently working out a pairing:

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Waiting for Pairing, or currently working out a pairing:


On Haitus:


Waiting to reach minimum requirement:


Also, please feel free to share this on your wall/with writing friends looking for feedback! The more you share, the more chance I have to get more partners in for the writers waiting for partners!

The bookclub is gaining some traction so I hope to have most people paired in the coming weeks!

The bookclub is gaining some traction so I hope to have most people paired in the coming weeks!

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C L O S E D - The Critique Fellowship -- [Partnership  BOOK CLUB]Where stories live. Discover now