Chapter Two (Part 2)

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Ghostbur and Schlatt floated there in complete silence, staring in shock at where Ghostinnit used to be. Schlatt seemed to be cursing and questioning absolutely everything and the british ghost seemed to just continue floating. "I wonder where Ghostinnit went! And how we join him! Do you think he went to heaven?" He asked, looking over to the goat hybrid who growled with a glare in response. "Well wherever he is I think we'll join him soon." He stated excitedly, Schlatt absolutely annoyed with him. Why the fuck was he so happy all the time? Did he not care about what he did? What did he do after Schlatt's death? He knew it had to be something bad.

"Hey do you remember your death?" Schlatt asked casually. "And mine? The last thing I remember was smelling toast or some shit." He explained, stretching a bit as he looked up at the taller boy. The male gave a small hum as a response, nodding softly before looking down at his blue. He gave a small blink before looking up at schlatt with a smile.

"I remember mine! It was a happy memory. Phil killed me. And I don't exactly what happened before your death but I think you had a heart attack or stroke." Ghostbur responded excitedly with a wide smile, adjusting his beanie a bit. Schlatt huffed and looked around before growling a bit, opening his inventory and muttered curses to himself. "How do you think we can get to Ghostinnit?" He asked, floating around Schlatt a bit before humming a bit. His dark eyes stared into Schlatt's for a moment before he giggled. "Ooh~! I think I know! We have to remember who our alive best friend is!" He exclaimed happily, gripping onto his dye tightly. "Mine is Niki! Or Fundy! I have so many happy memories with everyone I can't decide!" He exclaimed, twirling around a bit. The part goat had been getting annoyed now, clenching his fists.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm pretty sure everyone goes to the overworld in a different way." He snapped at Ghostbur, causing him to hand him some blue dye but the shorter brunette smacked it away harshly, leaving the taller ghost stunned. His dark eyes were slightly widened as he back up from the goat hybrid and muttered an apology. Schlatt scoffed and stuck his tongue out in annoyed way while closing his eyes. "This stupid void shit is annoying as fuck. And these stupid colored dyes don't make sense." He stated with a slight growl, looking down at his dye. It had a wing like bit that was yellow, some grey and blue, and on the back quite a bit of green. Green? Isn't that Tubbo's color? God damnit, he knew he shouldn't have had a child. His thoughts were interrupted by Ghostbur who was looking him dead in the eyes, startling the business goat.

"Do you think tommy is okay?" He asked, getting an annoyed nod from the shorter brunette who gave another growl. The taller british backed up a bit, bringing his knees up his chest and letting his feet move a bit. "Do you remember L'manburg? Cause I do, it was quite lovely-." He stated before disappearing, leaving Schlatt there.

"Damn they're leaving me quicker then I left Quackity- WOAH WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I HERE IN THE OVERWORLD NOW!?" He exclaimed as Ghostbur looked around with wide eyes, smiling excitedly as he floated around. He began to get away from spawn, noticing that the sun was setting. Schlatt floated up next to him, his small tail going in a slight wagging motion as he hid a smile. "This is stupid as fuck Will." He stated casually in a complaint, his eyes wandering up to the taller brit who smiled back down at him.

"But isn't this so lovely? It reminds me of Sally and Fundy, happy memories." Ghostbur stated softly and began to float away as it was now night, the stars gently shimmering in the ink black sky. Schlatt noticed and quickly floated after, the two ghost floating towards L'manburg. "Do you think we can turn invisible?" The tall male asked, landing on the floor and skipping backwards with a smile. The smaller goat hybrid rolled his eyes, sticking out his tongue a bit. The male with the yellow sweater huffed a bit and turned around, his eyes sparking happily from the sight of L'manburg being built back up. He quickly went over to help, Schlatt still floating there in silence as he stared before slowly backing away. The taller brunette noticed and turned back to the shorter ghost. "Schlatt are you coming?" He asked, completely turning his body to face the goat who let out a soft breath in annoyance.

"I can't go into there you dumbass! Remember? I'm a fucking dictator or tyrant or some shit!" He responded in annoyance before getting tugged down, beginning to get dragged down into L'manburg. "What the fuck!? Let go of me you piece of shit!" He exclaimed, trying to snag himself away from the male with a low growl. Ghostbur rolled his eyes playfully, still dragging him over to L'manburg, but now with a slight struggle. Schlatt fought back against the slightly taller ghost, still trying to pull back from his unusually strong grip- which only strengthened everytime he tried to pull away from the other male. The horned male grumbled and soon gave up and began to be dragged over to L'manburg, accepting his fate.

"If you're not allowed into L'manburg you can just apologize for what you did and they'll forgive you!" Ghostbur exclaimed happily, handing schlatt some blue dye. "Now take this and calm yourself down! Then we can go apologize to whoever is the president!" He quickly explained with a wide smile and slight giggle. The male that was being dragged along groaned out in annoyance, his tail getting slightly more bristled as he was dragged down the stairs. The taller ghost giggled softly as they reached the bottom platform, the goat's feet landing on the floor with a huff. "Let's go ask around for the president!" He exclaimed happily, letting go of the slightly smaller male and beginning to lead him to the first person, well, people he saw. It was a short male with gentle hello wings and a mostly blue eye and a beanie. He was talking happily to a taller male who had horns, a tail similar to Bad's and a white crop top that had a flame on it with a black turtle neck under. His headband and the other male's beanie is what made is mind click, though. "Quackity! Sapnap! Do you know where the president is?" He asked happily, Schlatt close behind who kept silent as he eyed Quackity who was now turned to him. The smaller hybrids had matching rings..

"Yeah! Tubbo is in his house. It's over by the docks. Though he's trying to do paperwork so I suggest not disturbing him too much." He answered, getting a nod from the tall brunette. Sapnap had some harmless flames next to him in a slight wing form, Ghostbur looking in slight awe. Schlatt grumbled and pushed past them, purposely bumping his shoulder on Sapnap's in an aggressive manner. The part demon growled back a bit in response, but didn't say anything as Schlatt left. Ghostbur gave a concerned look before quickly handing the two males some blue dye.

"I'm gonna go try to find my son now! I'll see you guys soon!" The tall ghost exclaimed as he ran off, getting some waves from the two males and smiles. Man, what nice people!


Dadboyhalo and Dadschlatt go brr brr

Isn't puffy also like.. Tubbo's canonical mom? So that'd mean Tubbo is a sheep/ram. Holy shit that's adorable.

Anyway, yeah. Idk what to say.

I'm posting this in class so bye bye for now my little Clouds, Flowers, and Bees.

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