Q&A :)

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Heyo! First of all, TYSM for 1.19k reads!! I actually did not expect that when I first started writing this, so excuse any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes from the prologue up until here and forward, though I'll try not to make anymore!!

Anyway,, moving on from that! To celebrate all the reads I decided to open up a q&a! It can be related to the story, myself, or just anything in general. So, drop you questions down below and I'll try to respond to them!

Sorry it's taking so long for the third chapter as well,, I wanna make sure it's good :)

But, enough of that, drop your questions here and I'll try to answer!! Thanks, y'all can just ignore this if wanted as well lol.

Btw, if character designs are updated it's probably me putting in the character designs in digital or just a new character design! Either way, I suggest checking it out, see you next chapter! Make sure to take care of yourself today ❤️

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