Cali Love |August Alsina Love Story|

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Chapter Fourteen.

Blurred Vison | Cali

I slowly peeled the covers back trying to be as quiet as I possibly could be. The sun was shunning bright into the room and even though it was at least eleven in the morning it felt as if the sun had just started rising and the birds were just beginning to wake. My feet met was with the soft white carpet and all I could think of was not waking August and how good some hot water would feel on my skin. After what August and I did lastnight my body was sore and all I wanted to do was take a shower and relax for the rest of the day. As I got myself ready to get up from the bed August wrapped his arms around me and pulled me making me smile more than I wanted to "Where you going?"

"To the bathroom and then I'm going to cook us something to eat" I looked back at a half sleeping August who probably wasn't listening to a single word I was even saying.

He sighed "But I'm not hungry"

I laughed a little "Okay then I'm just going to take a shower"

"But I love you stank and all so you can just stay here in bed with me until we have a real reason to get up" I love him.

"August I really need to take me a shower because I feel nasty and I stink"

"We can feel nasty and stink together "

I laughed and shook my head "August I'm taking me a shower" I said as I got up from the bed and began searching through his dresser for one of his t-shirts "Can I wear this one"

"That's my dad's stuff in that one look in the next one" He watched as I found a shirt and held it up asking for his approval "Yea"
I grabbed a towel and wash cloth from the hall closet and started the shower waiting for the water to get the temperature I wanted it at. As I stood in the shower I allowed the hot water to hit my back and releave me of the tiredness I was feeling and all the extra shit I had on my mind like prom and graduation which was coming sooner than later. I still hadn't received any acceptance letters from the colleges I actually wanted to attend and that was really making me rethink my whole plan. I only heard back from Spelman and UCLA and although those are both excellent schools I really hoped Harvard would send me a letter telling me that I was able to attend their school in the fall, but the way things were going that wasn't happening and I would attend UCLA along with Alana and August in the fall. When I looked down at my wrinkled fingers I realized I was in the shower longer than I thought and turned the water off as I wrapped the towel around my slender body. I put on lotion and did my normal hygiene routine. The shirt I picked out drapped over me like a loose dress and smelled just like August which made me smile as I tied my hair up in the smallest ponytail I could possibly make due to my short hair. 

As I made my way back into the room I noticed the smell of bacon frying. So I walked into the kitchen to find a shirtless August standing at the stove taking crisp bacon out the pan and putting it on a paper towel "I thought you wasn't hungry" I said as I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around ho's torso.

"That was like a hour ago Cali..You was in the shower for a long time..A nigga got hungry so I decided to start cooking"

I laughed "I'm sorry babe" I said before I kissed a spot on his back.

"Aye ight yo ass about to start something you can't finish"

I playfully rolled my eyes "Whatever" before I left him alone to finish breakfast I grabbed me a cup of orange juice and then made my way to the living room.

So a nigga can't get a call back? - Alana

I smiled thinking of the reaction she will have when I tell her what happened lastnight. I k ow it seems childish for me to "kiss and tell" but Alana is my girl what do you expect.

Something came up..sorry lol -

"Aye the food is done I'm bout to take a shower" I nodded my letting him know that I heard what he said. About five minutes into his shower I finally decided to get up a fix me a plate. He made pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes with strawberries on the side.

SPILL! - Alana

I smiled and as I began to text her I heard a knock at the door. Of course I didn't want to just answer the door because it wasn't my house, but from the way the person was knocking it sounded like an emergency which means it could probably be his mom or something. So I walk to the door and I open it and when I did I met eyes with a short light skinned girl who had short black hair. Her lips were plump and was covered by a pretty pink matte lipstick. She was pretty...But who was she.

I smiled "Hi"

"Hey um I was looking for August but I guess I have the wrong house" She turned to walk away but the sudden sound of my voice stopped her.

"No you have the right one...I'm his girlfriend Cali and you are..?"

Her face went from sweet girl to bitch "His girlfriend?"

"Yeah and your name is?" I asked again.

"Skaii.. funny cause he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend, but can you be a good girlfriend and kindly tell him that he has a baby on the way and I'm keeping it" She reached inside her purse and pulled put a Ziploc bag with her pee stick inside. She handed it to me and the tears immediately formed in my eyes. All I could do was smile and shut the door.

My vision was blurred from the tears that I was trying so hard to keep in. I heard August turn the water off which made me quickly wipe the tears from my eyes. I had no clue of how I was going to tell him that he was going to be a dad in nine months. Maybe I should not give a fuck and just throw the bag in ho's face like the information was thrown in my face. Shit. He walked into the living room with nothing but some black sweats on "You good?"

"Um someone came over for you"

He began to pour him a glass of juice "Who?"

"A girl names Skaii" I kept my head down.

"Okaaay what she want?" I was silent for a while and then I there the first thing I saw as I got up which was my phone "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"She stopped by to tell you that she was pregnant August!...With your damn baby"

He had nothing to say "What?"

"Yeah she told me to give you this" I threw the bag his way and stormed into his room I needed to get out of here before I did something I would later regret.

August was right on my heels "Where you going?"


"What why you trippin that hoe could be pregnant by anybody it ain't like I knew the hoe we fucked once and that's all"

I looked at him in disgust "Yeah like that makes shit even better August. You fuck random girls without using protection that's nasty as fuck and I can't believe I made you my first. I can't even fucking look at you anymore" I was quiet as I continued to look for my dress and shoes.


"No! Don't Cali me.. Don't worry about me you just worry about what your going to name the baby once you figure out what she's having" I walked out the house not even knowing how I was going to get home considering I broke my phone and I had no way of calling for a ride. This had to be the worst day of much life and I had a feeling it was just going to go downhill from here.


Sorry for the wait I've been super busy and sorry it's short I wrote this on the bus going to my competition so yeah lol hope you liked it! If you liked it tell me what you think and if you didn't tell me what you think lol.

Cali Love |  August Alsina Love Story |Where stories live. Discover now